Symfony2 Choice-Feldüberprüfung funktioniert nicht

Ich habe ein Formular in Symfony 2.7.10, dessen Definition folgendermaßen aussieht:


// ...

class RecipeType extends AbstractType
    // ...

     * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
     * @param array $options
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            // ...
            ->add('meal_schema', 'choice', [
            'label'   => 'Mealtime schema',
            'choices' => [
                'breakfast'        => 'Breakfast',
                'second_breakfast' => 'Second breakfast',
                'lunch'            => 'Lunch',
                'dinner'           => 'Dinner',
                'snack'            => 'Snack',
                'supper'           => 'Supper',
            'multiple' => true,
            'expanded' => true,
            'label_attr' => ['class' => 'col-md-2'],
            'required' => true,

    // ...

So sieht die Validierung in der Datei validation.yml aus:

            - NotBlank: ~
            # Look below

ie @Name-Feldvalidierung funktioniert, die mealSchema-Validierung jedoch nich. Einstellungen die ich schon erfolglos ausprobiert habe:

# This one works but assigns error to form instead of field so it's displayed on top of the page
- NotBlank:
    message: Mealtime schema should not be blank

# This doesn't work
- Choice:
    callback: [RecipeMealSchemaChoices, getChoiceKeys] # This method isn't even called
    min: 1
    minMessage: "Please select meal schema"

# This also doesn't work
- Count:
    min: 1
    max: 99
    minMessage: Mealtime schema should not be blank
    maxMessage: Max meal time exceeded

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