Hänge Dateinamen mit Ordnernamen an [verstehe nicht]

Ich habe Mühe zu verstehen, wie man Dateinamen in einem Ordner mit dem Ordnernamen umbenennt (anhängt).ZB about.txt, picture.jpg usw., um zu folderName-about.txt, folderName-picture usw. zu werden. Ich bin ein absoluter Neuling bei AppleScript, dies ist mein erstes Skript überhaupt!

on run {input, parameters}

tell application "Finder"
set theFolder to folder "OS X:Users:David:Desktop:SCRIPT:script-copy"
set targetFolder to folder "OS X:Users:David:Desktop:SCRIPT:script-copy-finished"

display dialog "Which structure do you wish to duplicate?" buttons {"Structure-MAIN", "Structure-OTHER"}
set chosenStructure to button returned of result

if contents of chosenStructure is equal to "Structure-MAIN" then
    set chosenStructure to "OS X:Users:David:Desktop:SCRIPT:script-copy:-MAIN"
    set chosenStructure to "OS X:Users:David:Desktop:SCRIPT:script-copy:-OTHER"
end if

display dialog "Specify a new folder name:" default answer "John The Dog"
set newName to (text returned of result)
set createNewStructure to make new folder at targetFolder with properties {name:newName}
duplicate every file of entire contents of folder chosenStructure to createNewStructure

set the_folder to name of folder chosenStructure
repeat with this_file in (get files of entire contents of folder chosenStructure)

    set the_start to offset of "_" in ((name of this_file) as string)
    set the_stop to count (name of this_file as string)
    set name of this_file to (the_folder & (items the_start thru the_stop of (name of this_file as string)))
end repeat

end tell

return input
end run

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