Toast: Interner Fehler bei der Integration von Google Plus in Android

Ich binde Google Plus in meine Android-App ein. Ich habe das Projekt in der Google API Console erstellt. Ich habe die OAuth-Client-ID erstellt und den Paketnamen und den Keystore SHA1 doppelt geprüft, aber beide sind korrekt, aber ich erhalte immer noch dieInternal Error Occur.

Ich habe viele Threads gesehen, aber meistens die in Bezug auf SHA1 und Paketnamen, die hier korrekt sind.

Jungs teilen Ihre Ansichten.

Bearbeiten: Ich habe mit dem debug.keystore und dem benutzerdefinierten Keystore getestet, aber nichts hat bei mir funktioniert.

setScopes("PLUS_LOGIN") auch nicht hilfreich für mich.

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements ConnectionCallbacks,
        OnConnectionFailedListener, OnClickListener {

    private static final int REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR = 9000;

    private ProgressDialog mConnectionProgressDialog;
    private PlusClient mPlusClient;
    private ConnectionResult mConnectionResult;

    private static final String TAG = "Google Plus Demo";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mPlusClient = new PlusClient.Builder(this, this, this)

        // Progress Bar to be displayed if the connection failure is not
        // resolved.
        mConnectionProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
        mConnectionProgressDialog.setMessage("Signing in...");



    protected void onStart() {

    protected void onStop() {

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent intent) {
        if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR && responseCode == RESULT_OK) {
            mConnectionResult = null;

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
        if(mConnectionProgressDialog.isShowing()) {
            // The user clicked on the sign-in button already. Start to resolve
            // connection errors. Wait until onConnected() to dismiss the 
            // connection dialog.

            if(result.hasResolution()) {
                try {
                    result.startResolutionForResult(this, REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR);
                } catch(SendIntentException e) {

        // Save the result
        mConnectionResult = result;

    public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
        String accountName = mPlusClient.getAccountName();
        Toast.makeText(this, accountName, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    public void onDisconnected() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Disconnected");

    public void onClick(View view) {
        if(view.getId() == && !mPlusClient.isConnected()) {
            if(mConnectionResult == null) {
            } else {
                try {
                    mConnectionResult.startResolutionForResult(this, REQUEST_CODE_RESOLVE_ERR);
                } catch(SendIntentException e) {
                    // Try connecting again
                    mConnectionResult = null;


01-27 20:22:23.871: I/GLSUser(1699): GLS error: INVALID_SCOPE [email protected] oauth2:PLUS_LOGIN
01-27 20:22:23.871: W/GLSActivity(1699): [aia] Status from wire: INVALID_SCOPE status: INVALID_SCOPE
01-27 20:22:23.965: W/InputManagerService(1536): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@4076b580
01-27 20:22:24.020: I/eFrame(3180):  class:com.xicom.appdemo.MainActivity
01-27 20:22:24.027: D/SurfaceFlinger(1536): Layer[34bee8]:: Tile format buffer w[256] h[64] f[1] v[0x47855000] p[0x97fd5000] sz[65536]
01-27 20:22:25.012: V/AudioFlinger(1323): Audio hardware entering standby, mixer 0x6f228, mSuspended 0
01-27 20:22:25.012: D/AudioStreamOutALSA(1323): AudioStreamOutALSA::standby--pause
01-27 20:22:25.106: V/AudioFlinger(1323): MixerThread 0x6f228 TID 1473 going to sleep
01-27 20:22:27.684: W/PowerManagerService(1536): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x3
01-27 20:22:27.691: D/BatteryService(1536): update start


mPlusClient = new PlusClient.Builder(this, this, this)

Zweite Version protokollieren

01-28 22:25:16.164: D/SurfaceFlinger(1536): Layer[37c9c0]:: Tile format buffer w[256] h[320] f[1] v[0x4ac99000] p[0x94741000] sz[327680]
01-28 22:25:17.007: D/SurfaceFlinger(1536): Layer[8a5a68] [4] non-RGB565 reloads
01-28 22:25:17.250: I/fno(2652): I/O exception ( caught when processing request: Write error: ssl=0x25d728: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
01-28 22:25:17.250: I/fno(2652): Retrying request
01-28 22:25:18.015: D/SurfaceFlinger(1536): Layer[8a5a68] [10] non-RGB565 reloads
01-28 22:25:18.101: V/AudioFlinger(1323): Audio hardware entering standby, mixer 0x6f228, mSuspended 0
01-28 22:25:18.101: D/AudioStreamOutALSA(1323): AudioStreamOutALSA::standby--pause
01-28 22:25:18.187: D/BatteryService(1536): update start
01-28 22:25:18.195: V/AudioFlinger(1323): MixerThread 0x6f228 TID 1473 going to sleep
01-28 22:25:19.015: D/SurfaceFlinger(1536): Layer[8a5a68] [10] non-RGB565 reloads
01-28 22:25:19.484: W/GLSActivity(2652): [aia] Status from wire: INVALID_CLIENT_ID status: null
01-28 22:25:19.484: W/GLSActivity(2652): [aia] Status from wire: INVALID_CLIENT_ID status: null
01-28 22:25:19.484: I/GLSUser(2652): GLS error: INVALID_CLIENT_ID [email protected] oauth2:
01-28 22:25:19.484: W/GLSActivity(2652): [aia] Status from wire: Unknown status: UNKNOWN
01-28 22:25:19.570: D/dalvikvm(20673): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 163K, 43% free 3397K/5959K, external 511K/517K, paused 47ms
01-28 22:25:19.664: W/InputManagerService(1536): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40605c00
01-28 22:25:19.781: D/SurfaceFlinger(1536): Layer[278dc0]:: Tile format buffer w[256] h[64] f[1] v[0x49520000] p[0x97fcc000] sz[65536]
01-28 22:25:19.835: I/eFrame(20257):  class:com.xicom.appdemo.MainActivity
01-28 22:25:20.046: D/dalvikvm(20257): GC_CONCURRENT freed 384K, 49% free 3021K/5895K, external 412K/517K, paused 4ms+6ms
01-28 22:25:20.757: W/PowerManagerService(1536): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x3
01-28 22:25:23.203: D/BatteryService(1536): update start

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