Wie abonniere ich eine Modellinstanz in Sails.JS?

Ich versuche, die Abonnementfunktion zu verwendenhier beschrieben. Allerdings beim Bearbeiten/assets/js/app.jsIch erhalte folgenden Fehler:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Room is not defined 

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, warum, aber es kann mein Modell nicht finden. Hier ist mein Code:

Room.subscribe(req, [{id: "5278861ab9a0d2cd0e000001"}], function (response) {

und hier ist im Kontext von app.js

(function (io) {

  // as soon as this file is loaded, connect automatically, 
  var socket = io.connect();
  if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
    log('Connecting to Sails.js...');

  socket.on('connect', function socketConnected() {

    // Listen for Comet messages from Sails
    socket.on('message', function messageReceived(message) {

      // Replace the following with your own custom logic
      // to run when a new message arrives from the Sails.js
      // server.
      log('New comet message received :: ', message);


    // Here's where you'll want to add any custom logic for
    // when the browser establishes its socket connection to 
    // the Sails.js server.
        'Socket is now connected and globally accessible as `socket`.\n' + 
        'e.g. to send a GET request to Sails, try \n' + 
        '`socket.get("/", function (response) ' +
        '{ console.log(response); })`'

    // This is the part I added: 
    Room.subscribe(req, [{id: "5278861ab9a0d2cd0e000001"}], function (response) {


  // Expose connected `socket` instance globally so that it's easy
  // to experiment with from the browser console while prototyping.
  window.socket = socket;

  // Simple log function to keep the example simple
  function log () {
    if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
      console.log.apply(console, arguments);


Gehe ich das richtig an? sollte ich das speicherndirekt in app.js?

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