Kann mir jemand sagen, warum diese Funktionen mir kein Ergebnis in einem vernünftigen Spektrum liefern?

Der vollständige Code, den ich verwende, ist unten aufgeführt. Er soll ein Würfelspiel simulieren und dem Benutzer Details ausdrucken und Wetten ermöglichen, wenn der Benutzer dies wünscht. Alles funktioniert bis auf das eigentliche Craps-Spiel. Anstatt nur eine Schleife auszuführen, während crapsResult keinen Wahrheitswert zugeordnet hat, wird ein realer Wert und eine unverständliche Zeichenfolge einer einzelnen negativen Zahl gefunden. Jede Hilfe wäre dankbar.

int main()
    //Declare the user input variables
    int gamesPlayed = 0;
    char inputPrint = ' ';
    char isBetting = ' ';
    int startingBet = 0;

    //Declare the variables used by the program
    int endingBet = 0;
    int currentGame = 0;
    bool crapsResult;
    int gamesWon = 0;
    int gamesLost = 0;
    double percentWon = 0;
    bool detailPrint = false;

    //Prompt the user to input their variables
    cout << "Enter the number of games to be played: ";
    cin >> gamesPlayed;
    while(gamesPlayed < 1)
        cout << "   Error: must be greater than 0" << endl;
        cout << "Enter the number of games to be played: ";
        cin >> gamesPlayed;

    cout << "Do you wish to print details (Y/N): ";
    cin >> inputPrint;
    if(inputPrint == 'y' || inputPrint == 'Y')
        detailPrint = true;

    cout << "Do you wish to bet (Y/N): ";
    cin >> isBetting;

    if(isBetting == 'y' || isBetting == 'Y')
        cout << "Enter money to start betting with: ";
        cin >> startingBet;
        while(startingBet < 1)
            cout << "   Error: must be greater than 0" << endl;
            cout << "Enter the number of games to be played: ";
            cin >> gamesPlayed;
    //Seed the random number generator

    //Set a value for ending bet
    if(startingBet == 0)
        endingBet = 1;
        endingBet = startingBet;
    //Call playcraps to simulate the game for as many games as the user input
    for(currentGame = 1; currentGame <= gamesPlayed && endingBet > 0; currentGame += 1)
        crapsResult = NULL;
        crapsResult = playCraps(currentGame, detailPrint, isBetting, startingBet);
        if(crapsResult == true)
            gamesWon += 1;
            endingBet = betting(endingBet, crapsResult);
        if(crapsResult == false)
            gamesLost += 1;
            endingBet = betting(endingBet, crapsResult);
        if((isBetting == 'Y' || isBetting == 'y') && (detailPrint == true))
            cout << "Money left is $" << endingBet << endl;

    //Calculate the percentage of games won
    percentWon = (double(gamesWon) / double(currentGame-1)) * 100.0;

    //Print the results to the user
    if(isBetting == 'Y' || isBetting == 'y')
        cout << "Money at end of games is $" << endingBet << endl;
    cout << "The number of games played is " << currentGame - 1 << endl;
    cout << "The number of games won is " << gamesWon << endl;
    cout << "The number of games lost is " << gamesLost << endl;
    cout << "The percent of games won is " << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(3) << percentWon << endl;

//Simulates the roll of a single die and returns the result
int roll()
    int rollResult = 0;
    rollResult = rand() % 6 + 1;
    return rollResult;

//Calls roll twice and returns the sum of the two results
int roll2Dice()
    //Declare variables for this function
    int rollOne = 0;
    int rollTwo = 0;
    int rollSum = 0;

    //Find rollOne and rollTwo
    rollOne = roll();
    rollTwo = roll();

    //Find rollSum
    rollSum = rollOne + rollTwo;

    return rollSum;

bool playCraps(int currentGame, bool detailPrint, char isBetting, int startingBet)
    bool crapsResult = NULL;
    int currentGameStorage[100];
    int currentRoll = 1;
    int point = roll2Dice();
    int printingNumber = 0;
    currentGameStorage[0] = point;
    if(point == 7 || point == 11)
        crapsResult = true;
    else if(point == 2 || point == 3 || point == 12)
        crapsResult = false;
        crapsResult = NULL;
    while(crapsResult != true && crapsResult != false)
        currentGameStorage[currentRoll] = roll2Dice();
        if(currentGameStorage[currentRoll] == point)
            crapsResult = true;
        else if(currentGameStorage[currentRoll] == 7)
            crapsResult = false;
        currentRoll += 1;
    if(detailPrint == true)
        cout << "Game " << currentGame << ": ";
        for(printingNumber = 0; printingNumber <= currentRoll; printingNumber += 1)
            cout << currentGameStorage[printingNumber] << " ";
        if(crapsResult == true)
            cout << "win";
        else if(crapsResult == false)
            cout << "lose";
        cout << endl;
    return crapsResult;

int betting(int endingBet, bool crapsResult)
    if(crapsResult == true)
        endingBet += 1;
    else if(crapsResult == false)
        endingBet -= 1;
    return endingBet;

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