Hinzufügen einer Standardsignatur für Outlook-E-Mail-VBA

Ich versuche, meine Standardsignatur abzurufen und auf eine E-Mail anzuwenden, die ich mit einem Benutzerformular eingerichtet habe. Ich habe ein paar Optionen ausprobiert, darunter diese:So fügen Sie eine Standardsignatur in Outlook hinzu

aber es scheint nicht zu funktionieren ...

Private Sub addUpdate_Click()
 Dim mailObj As MailItem
 Dim mailBody, signature As String
 Dim oMail, oApp As Object


Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(0)

With oMail
End With
signature = oMail.body

Set mailObj = CreateItem(olMailItem)

mailBody = "<HTML><BODY><P>Hi " & firstName.Value & ",</P>" _
            & "<P>Thank you for your interest in the <STRONG>Metropolitan Sales</STRONG> website.</P>" _
            & "<P>Some of the features of the website include:</P>" _
            & "<UL><LI>Placing Orders</LI><LI>Order status & tracking</LI><LI>Detailed product information</LI>" _
            & "<LI>Specification sheets in PDF for all products</LI></UL>" _
            & "<P>These features can be accessed at:</P>" _
            & "<P><a href= 'http://www.metsales.com'>www.metsales.com</a>, then click on Catalog</p>" _
            & "<p><strong>Username : </strong>" & username.Value & "<br>" _
            & "<strong>Password  : </strong>" & password.Value & "</p>" _
            & "<p>Feel free to contact me should you have any questions.</p><br>" _
            & "<p>Thank you,</p>" & signature & "</body></html>"

With oMail
    .Recipients.add (email.Value)
    .Subject = "Metropolitan Sales Username and Password"
    .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
    .HTMLBody = mailBody
 End With
 Unload newUser
End Sub

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