Gitlab6.0 und Apache2

bitte, wie man Github 6.0 mit Apache2 einstellt?

Gitlab wird gemäß der Originalanleitung installiert

Anpassung in Unicorn.rb

    #listen "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket", :backlog => 64
    #listen "", :tcp_nopush => true
    listen ""

Mein Apache2 conf ist:

    <VirtualHost *:80>

        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/gitlab_error.log
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/gitlab_access.log combined

        ProxyRequests Off
        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyPass /
        <Location />
            ProxyPassReverse /
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all

Bud ich bekomme:

    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request GET /users/sign_in.

    Reason: Error reading from remote server

Vielen Dank

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