C # Produzent / Verbraucher

Ich bin kürzlich auf eine C # -Implementierung mit Produzenten- / Konsumentenmustern gestoßen. es ist sehr einfach und (zumindest für mich) sehr elegant.

Es scheint um das Jahr 2006 herum entwickelt worden zu sein, also habe ich mich gefragt, ob es sich um eine Implementierung handelt
- sicher
- noch anwendbar

Der Code ist unten angegeben (der ursprüngliche Code wurde unter angegeben)http://bytes.com/topic/net/answers/575276-producer-consumer#post2251375)

using System;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Threading;

public class Test
    static ProducerConsumer queue;

    static void Main()
        queue = new ProducerConsumer();
        new Thread(new ThreadStart(ConsumerJob)).Start();

        Random rng = new Random(0);
        for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
            Console.WriteLine ("Producing {0}", i);

    static void ConsumerJob()
        // Make sure we get a different random seed from the
        // first thread
        Random rng = new Random(1);
        // We happen to know we've only got 10 
        // items to receive
        for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
            object o = queue.Consume();
            Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tConsuming {0}", o);

public class ProducerConsumer
    readonly object listLock = new object();
    Queue queue = new Queue();

    public void Produce(object o)
        lock (listLock)

            // We always need to pulse, even if the queue wasn't
            // empty before. Otherwise, if we add several items
            // in quick succession, we may only pulse once, waking
            // a single thread up, even if there are multiple threads
            // waiting for items.            

    public object Consume()
        lock (listLock)
            // If the queue is empty, wait for an item to be added
            // Note that this is a while loop, as we may be pulsed
            // but not wake up before another thread has come in and
            // consumed the newly added object. In that case, we'll
            // have to wait for another pulse.
            while (queue.Count==0)
                // This releases listLock, only reacquiring it
                // after being woken up by a call to Pulse
            return queue.Dequeue();

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