symfony2 - Auswahl aus der Datenbank hinzufügen

Ich möchte ein Auswahlfeld in symfony2 mit Werten aus einer benutzerdefinierten Abfrage füllen. Ich habe versucht, so viel wie möglich zu vereinfachen.


class PageController extends Controller

    public function indexAction()
      $fields = $this->get('fields');
      $countries =  $fields->getCountries(); // returns a array of countries e.g. array('UK', 'France', 'etc')
      $routeSetup = new RouteSetup(); // this is the entity
      $routeSetup->setCountries($countries); // sets the array of countries

      $chooseRouteForm = $this->createForm(new ChooseRouteForm(), $routeSetup);

      return $this->render('ExampleBundle:Page:index.html.twig', array(
        'form' => $chooseRouteForm->createView()



class ChooseRouteForm extends AbstractType

  public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

    // errors... ideally I want this to fetch the items from the $routeSetup object 
    $builder->add('countries', 'choice', array(
      'choices' => $this->routeSetup->getCountries()


  public function getName()
    return 'choose_route';

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