Wie schreibe ich eine neue Zeile in der WIN32-API?

Ich versuche, Daten in eine Datei zu schreiben. Ich möchte jedoch neue Daten in eine neue Zeile einfügen, kann dies jedoch nicht.

hFile = CreateFile(_T("HELLO.txt"),               // file to open
    GENERIC_WRITE,          // open for writing
                   0,       // share for writing
                   NULL,                  // default security
                 //  CREATE_NEW,         // existing file only
                   FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // normal file
                   NULL);                 // no attr. template

// Write to File
BOOL bErrorFlag = FALSE;

DWORD dwPtr = SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END); //set pointer position to end file
LPWSTR data = _T("Data '\n'");
DWORD dwBytesToWrite = lstrlenW(data)*2;
DWORD a = 0;
bErrorFlag = WriteFile( 
                hFile,           // open file handle
                data,      // start of data to write
                dwBytesToWrite,  // number of bytes to write
                &dwPtr, // number of bytes that were written
                NULL);            // no overlapped structure

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