Schreiben von Nachrichten an den Client-Socket mithilfe von DataOutputStream an den Server-Socket, die erst nach dem Schließen des Client-Sockets gesendet werden. Warum?

Ich hatte eine Socket-Client-Programmierung in Java. Ich verwende DataOutputStream, um Nachrichten an den Server Socket zu senden. Manchmal wurden geschriebene Nachrichten in DataOutputstream nicht an den ServerSocket gesendet. Ich denke, es liegt daran, dass ich nach der gesendeten Nachricht nicht spüle. Ich mache das aber nutzlos. Wenn ich die Klassenausführung beende, erhalte nur ich Nachrichten von ServerSocket.

Mein CODE:

public class LoggingClient {

LinkedBlockingQueue<byte[]> messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<byte[]>();

public static LoggingClient clientObj;

 * waiting 2 seconds for connecting centralized log server . If it's not reachable writing log's in local machine
 * this log's will be collected on eclipse restart.
public static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 2000;
 * Server which the log server is currently running.
public static final  String SERVER = "bharathi";
 * Port which the log server is running.
public static final int PORT = 10000;

 * Client socket used to connect the server .
Socket client = null;

public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggingClient.class.getName());

 * Used to write given logs into client output stream.
DataOutputStream out = null;

public boolean isConnected = false;

 * Used for preventing instaniate LoggingClient without calling getInstance method.
private LoggingClient(){


 * Clear's the socket and initialize new socket .
public void init(){
    client = new Socket();
    client.connect(new InetSocketAddress(SERVER,PORT),SOCKET_TIMEOUT); //trying to make connection within two seconds.
    out = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());
    isConnected = true;
}catch(Exception e){
    isConnected = false;

public static LoggingClient getInstance(){
if(clientObj == null){
    clientObj = new LoggingClient();
return clientObj;

public void clear(){
    if(out != null){
    out.close(); //if we call close method it invokes flush and then closes the DataOutputStream.

    if(client != null){
}catch(Exception e){
    logger.log(Level.INFO,"Error while closing connection , reason {0}",e);
    }catch(Exception e){

    isConnected = false;

 * Adding this message into a queue . Scheduled thread will get this logs and push into central logging server.
 * @param message
public synchronized void write(byte[] message){
if(!isConnected){ //has connection.
messages.add(message); //adding message to this queue . Background thread will collect the log message and sent it to the central log server.

 * Sending logs into central log server . If it's not reachable write into local machine.
 * @param message
public void sendLog(byte[] message){
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
    writeInLocalMachine(localLoggingPath, message); //in case of failure writing logs in local machine . Sync this logs when restart of eclipse.

 * Writing log's into his machine this log will be synced on plugin startup.
 * @param file - File path.
 * @param message - Message  to log.
public static void writeInLocalMachine(String file, byte[] message) {
FileOutputStream fileWriter = null;
File f = new File(file);
try {
    fileWriter = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
        "This may be due to given file not found in system , reason {0}",
} finally {
    }catch(Exception e){


 * @return - Recently received message from queue . Returns null if it's empty.
public byte[] getMessage(){
return messages.poll(); //returns the head element and deletes it.


Testen der Java-Klasse zum Senden von Nachrichten an den Server-Socket.

public class LogTest implements Runnable {

public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");

public void run() {
        LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.getInstance();
        byte[] message = client.getMessage();
        if(message != null){
    }catch(Exception e){


public static void startSending(){
for(int i=0;i<10000;i++){
    String msg = "msg number" + i+LINE_SEPARATOR;

public static void main(String args[]){
    LoggingClient c = LoggingClient.getInstance();
    System.out.println("START TIME " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    Thread t = new Thread(new LogTest(),"LOG MESSAGER");
    System.out.println("END TIME " + System.currentTimeMillis());

Gesendete Nachrichten werden in einer Datei gespeichert.


START TIME 1340815857896
END TIME 1340815858063

Die Nachrichten wurden in die Warteschlange gestellt. Die Endlosschleife kümmert sich um das Senden von Protokollen in den Server-Socket.

Der in der Datei gespeicherte Inhalt ist 0 Byte, warum? . Wenn ich aufhöre, Klasse zu laufen, erhalte ich gesendete Nachrichten warum?

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