jaxl kann keine Verbindung zu Prosody herstellen

Ich kann mich gut mit anderen Clients wie SleekXMPP und Strophe authentifizieren.

Verwenden von Prosody 0.8.2 unter Ubuntu 12.04 und dem neuesten Master HEAD von jaxl (2518a44b9dfeb9ec947922f078cf4f8663497712).

Der Code:

require 'JAXL/jaxl.php';
$cli = new JAXL(array(
  'jid' => 'yang@localhost',
  'pass' => 'asdf',
  'bosh_url' => 'http://localhost/chat/candy/example/http-bind/'
$cli->add_cb('on_auth_success', function() {
  print 'yay';

vom Kunden:

<body xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind" content="text/xml; charset=utf-8" to="localhost" route="xmpp:localhost:5222" secure="true" xml:lang="en" xmpp:version="1.0" xmlns:xmpp="urn:xmpp:xbosh" hold="1" wait="30" rid="3937" ver="1.10" from="yang@localhost"></body>

vom Server:

<body authid='72604504-a5be-4ab6-aba0-9686cca478f3' xmpp:version='1.0'
xmlns:xmpp='urn:xmpp:xbosh' inactivity='60' wait='30' polling='5'
secure='true' hold='1' from='localhost' ver='1.6'
sid='72604504-a5be-4ab6-aba0-9686cca478f3' requests='2'

vom Kunden:

<body sid="72604504-a5be-4ab6-aba0-9686cca478f3" rid="3938" xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind"><auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-1">biwsbj15YW5nQGxvY2FsaG9zdCxyPVpRWUp0b1JwUXMwTlFkYlJ3VnlNT1FvQXN5bnhLWlN1OUpocjdVeTdkbFE9</auth></body>

vom Server:

<body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'
sid='72604504-a5be-4ab6-aba0-9686cca478f3' xmlns:stream =

vom Kunden:

<body xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind" sid="72604504-a5be-4ab6-aba0-9686cca478f3" rid="3939"></body>

Aus Prosody-Protokollen:

Oct 25 01:18:53 socket        debug   server.lua: accepted new client
connection from to 5280
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   BOSH body open (sid: %s)
Oct 25 01:18:53 bosh9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558        debug
 BOSH session created for request from
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        info    New BOSH session, assigned it
sid '9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558'
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Sending response to c890f0
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Destroying request c890f0
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Request has destroy callback
Oct 25 01:18:53 socket  debug   server.lua: closed client handler and
removed socket from list
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   Session
9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558 has 0 out of 1 requests open
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   and there are 0 things in the
Oct 25 01:18:53 socket  debug   server.lua: accepted new client
connection from to 5280
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   BOSH body open (sid:
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   BOSH stanza received: <auth
mechanism='SCRAM-SHA-1' xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>

Oct 25 01:18:53 bosh9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558        debug
 Received[c2s_unauthed]: <auth mechanism='SCRAM-SHA-1'
Oct 25 01:18:53 auth_internal_plain     debug   NODEprep failed on
username: yang@localhost
Oct 25 01:18:53 localhost:saslauth      debug   sasl reply: <failure
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   We have an open request, so
sending on that
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Sending response to ccd1d0
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Destroying request ccd1d0
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Request has destroy callback
Oct 25 01:18:53 bosh9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558        debug
 BOSH session marked as inactive at 1351153133
Oct 25 01:18:53 socket  debug   server.lua: closed client handler and
removed socket from list
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   Destroying the request now...
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Destroying request ccd1d0
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   Session
9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558 has 0 out of 1 requests open
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   and there are 0 things in the
Oct 25 01:18:53 socket  debug   server.lua: accepted new client
connection from to 5280
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   BOSH body open (sid:
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   Session
9096614e-a319-4234-b281-d5806b7bc558 has 1 out of 1 requests open
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   and there are 0 things in the
Oct 25 01:18:53 mod_bosh        debug   Have nothing to say, so
leaving request unanswered for now
Oct 25 01:18:53 httpserver      debug   Request d8b230 left open,
on_destroy is function(mod_bosh.lua:81)
Oct 25 01:18:53 bosh67a53eee-1bdb-41f6-98cb-2413808fad65        debug
 BOSH client inactive too long, destroying session at 1351153133
Oct 25 01:18:53 bosh67a53eee-1bdb-41f6-98cb-2413808fad65        info
 Destroying session for (unknown) ((unknown)@localhost)

Irgendwelche Ideen? Vielen Dank im Voraus für jede Hilfe.

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