openCV c ++: проблемы работы с CvBoost (классификатор Adaboost)

m создание приложения для классификации людей по изображениям городских условий.

Я тренирую классификатор следующим образом:

int main (int argc, char **argv)

/* STEP 2. Opening the file */
//1. Declare a structure to keep the data
  CvMLData cvml;
//2. Read the file
  cvml.read_csv ("directory/train_rand.csv");
//3. Indicate which column is the response
  cvml.set_response_idx (0);

/* STEP 3. Splitting the samples */
//1. Select 4000 for the training
  CvTrainTestSplit cvtts (4000, true);
//2. Assign the division to the data
  cvml.set_train_test_split (&cvtts);

  printf ("Training ... ");
/* STEP 4. The training */
//1. Declare the classifier
  CvBoost boost;
//2. Train it with 100 features
  boost.train (&cvml, CvBoostParams (CvBoost::REAL,100, 0, 1, false, 0),

/* STEP 5. Calculating the testing and training error */
// 1. Declare a couple of vectors to save the predictions of each sample
  std::vector train_responses, test_responses;
// 2. Calculate the training error
  float fl1 = boost.calc_error (&cvml, CV_TRAIN_ERROR, &train_responses);
// 3. Calculate the test error
  float fl2 = boost.calc_error (&cvml, CV_TEST_ERROR, &test_responses);
