Интеграция собственных системных библиотек с SBT

Что является хорошим способом интеграции различных задач SBT с собственными библиотеками (например, изJOGL, LWGL, или жеJCuda? В частности,

Is there a recommended way to include a native library in the run task? A discussion on the SBT mailing list suggests these possibilities:

Modify JavaOptions to include -Djava.library.path=<path to native libraries>, and then modify the run task to fork the JVM. (See this plugin for an example.) Use the SBT initialize setting to run code that calls System.setProperty(...) to configure java.library.path. Again, run must fork. Put the native libraries on the classpath before launching SBT.

The last one has the advantage that run need not fork, but the disadvantage that the configuration must be done outside SBT.

Can I automatically include native libraries in the Eclipse project generated by the sbteclipse plugin? It's possible to rewrite the .project file in a post-processing step. Is there example code? Is there a better way?

Can native libraries be included in the runnable Jar that is generated by a plugin such as sbt-assembly, sbt-onejar or sbt-proguard?

Я предполагаю, что нет прямой настройки SBT для нативных библиотек. Если бы что-то подобное существовало, могли ли вышеуказанные задачи прозрачно обрабатывать собственные библиотеки?

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