Как получить информацию об инструкции из libopcodes?

Я пишу инструмент, который используетlibbfd а такжеlibopcodes в x86-32 и x86-64 Linux для выполнения разборки. Проблема заключается в том, что, хотя я могу разобрать libopcodes, я не могу получить какую-либо инструкцию. Для демонстрации я сделал минимальный пример, который воспроизводит мою проблему. Программа должна разобрать себя от точки входа до первойRET/RETQ.

Код немного взломан с глобальными кодами, и проверка ошибок была опущена для краткости и т. Д., Но должна ясно проиллюстрировать проблему.

#include <bfd.h>
#include <dis-asm.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <libiberty.h>

 * Holds state for BFD and libopcodes.
bfd *        abfd  = NULL;
disassemble_info dinfo = {0};

 * Temporary hack to signal when disassembling should stop.
static bool stop_disassembling = FALSE;

 * Gets path to currently running executable.
bool get_target_path(char * target_path, size_t size)
    char *   path;
    ssize_t len;

    pid_t pid = getpid();
    sprintf(target_path, "/proc/%d/exe", (int)pid );

    path = strdup(target_path);
    len  = readlink(path, target_path, size);

    target_path[len] = '\0';
    return TRUE;

 * libopcodes appends spaces on the end of some instructions so for
 * comparisons, we want to strip those first.
void strip_tail(char * str, unsigned int size)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if(!isgraph(str[i])) {
            str[i] = '\0';

 * Checks whether the current instruction will cause the control flow to not
 * proceed to the linearly subsequent instruction (e.g. ret, jmp, etc.)
bool breaks_control_flow(char * str)
    if(abfd->arch_info->bits_per_address == 64) {
        if(strcmp(str, "retq") == 0) {
            return TRUE;
    } else {
        if(strcmp(str, "ret") == 0) {
            return TRUE;

    retu,rn FALSE;

 * Used as a callback for libopcodes so we can do something useful with the
 * disassembly. Currently this just outputs to stdout.
int custom_fprintf(void * stream, const char * format, ...)
    /* silly amount */
    char    str[128] = {0};
    int rv;
    va_list args;

    va_start(args, format);
    rv = vsnprintf(str, ARRAY_SIZE(str) - 1, format, args);

    strip_tail(str, ARRAY_SIZE(str));

    if(breaks_control_flow(str)) {
        puts("Stopped disassembly");
        stop_disassembling = TRUE;

    if(dinfo.insn_info_valid) {
        switch(dinfo.insn_type) {
            case dis_noninsn:
                printf("not an instruction\n");
            case dis_nonbranch:
                printf("not a branch\n");
            case dis_branch:
                printf("is a branch\n");
            case dis_condbranch:
                printf("is a conditional branch\n");
            case dis_jsr:
                printf("jump to subroutine\n");
            case dis_condjsr:
                printf("conditional jump to subroutine\n");
            case dis_dref:
                printf("data reference in instruction\n");
            case dis_dref2:
                printf("two data references in instruction\n");
                printf("not enumerated\n");
    } else {
        printf("insn_info not valid\n");

    return rv;

 * Initialises libopcodes disassembler and returns an instance of it.
disassembler_ftype init_disasm(bfd * abfd, disassemble_info * dinfo)
    /* Override the stream the disassembler outputs to */
    init_disassemble_info(dinfo, NULL, custom_fprintf);
    dinfo->flavour = bfd_get_flavour(abfd);
    dinfo->arch    = bfd_get_arch(abfd);
    dinfo->mach    = bfd_get_mach(abfd);
    dinfo->endian  = abfd->xvec->byteorder;

    return disassembler(abfd);

 * Method of locating section from VMA taken from opdis.
typedef struct {
    bfd_vma    vma;
    asection * sec;

 * Loads section and fills in dinfo accordingly. Since this function allocates
 * memory in dinfo->buffer, callers need to call free once they are finished.
bool load_section(bfd * abfd, disassemble_info * dinfo, asection * s)
    int     size = bfd_section_size(s->owner, s);
    unsigned char * buf  = xmalloc(size);

    if(!bfd_get_section_contents(s->owner, s, buf, 0, size)) {
        return FALSE;

    dinfo->section       = s;
    dinfo->buffer        = buf;
    dinfo->buffer_length = size;
    dinfo->buffer_vma    = bfd_section_vma(s->owner, s);

    printf("Allocated %d bytes for %s section\n: 0x%lX", size, s->name,
    return TRUE;

 * Used to locate section for a vma.
void vma_in_section(bfd * abfd, asection * s, void * data)
    BFD_VMA_SECTION * req = data;

    if(req && req->vma >= s->vma &&
    req->vma < (s->vma + bfd_section_size(abfd, s)) ) {
        req->sec = s;

 * Locate and load section containing vma.
bool load_section_for_vma(bfd * abfd, disassemble_info * dinfo,
        bfd_vma vma)
    BFD_VMA_SECTION req = {vma, NULL};
    bfd_map_over_sections(abfd, vma_in_section, &req);

    if(!req.sec) {
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        return load_section(abfd, dinfo, req.sec);

 * Start disassembling from entry point.
bool disassemble_entry(bfd * abfd, disassemble_info * dinfo,
        disassembler_ftype disassembler)
    bfd_vma    vma = bfd_get_start_address(abfd);

    /* First locate and load the section containing the vma */
    if(load_section_for_vma(abfd, dinfo, vma)) {
        int size;

        /* Keep disassembling until signalled otherwise or error */
        while(true) {
            dinfo->insn_info_valid = 0;
            size = disassembler(vma, dinfo);
            printf("Disassembled %d bytes at 0x%lX\n", size, vma);

            if(size == 0 || size == -1 || stop_disassembling) {

            vma += size;

        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

int main(void)
    char  target_path[PATH_MAX] = {0};


    /* Get path for the running instance of this program */
    get_target_path(target_path, ARRAY_SIZE(target_path));

    abfd = bfd_openr(target_path, NULL);

    if(abfd != NULL && bfd_check_format(abfd, bfd_object)) {
        disassembler_ftype disassembler = init_disasm(abfd, &dinfo);

        disassemble_entry(abfd, &dinfo, disassembler);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Этот источник может быть построен со следующимиmakefile, Чтобы выполнить успешную ссылку,binutils-dev Пакет должен быть установлен на локальном компьютере:

    gcc -Wall disasm.c -o disasm -lbfd -lopcodes

    rm -f disasm

При запуске вывод выглядит так:

Allocated 2216 bytes for .text section
: 0x400BF0xor    
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 2 bytes at 0x400BF0
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 3 bytes at 0x400BF2
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400BF5
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 3 bytes at 0x400BF6
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 4 bytes at 0x400BF9
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400BFD
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400BFE
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 7 bytes at 0x400BFF
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 7 bytes at 0x400C06
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 7 bytes at 0x400C0D
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 5 bytes at 0x400C14
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400C19
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400C1A
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400C1B
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 4 bytes at 0x400C1C
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 7 bytes at 0x400C20
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 3 bytes at 0x400C27
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 2 bytes at 0x400C2A
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 2 bytes at 0x400C2C
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 4 bytes at 0x400C2E
Stopped disassembly
insn_info not valid
Disassembled 1 bytes at 0x400C32

Я ожидаю, что смогу прочитать информацию о каждой инструкции черезdinfo->insn_type, targetи т. д. Поведение демонстрируется как на x86-32, так и на x86-64. Если я смогу хотя бы получить подтверждение того, что это не реализовано на этих двух архитектурах, тогда я сам смогу заполнить эту информацию.

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