Использование «cat» для записи неанглийских символов в файл .html (в R)

Вот код, показывающий проблему:

myPath = getwd()
cat("abcd", append = T, file =paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\")) # This is fine
cat("<BR/><BR/><BR/>", append = T, file =paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\")) # This is fine
cat("שלום", append = F, file =paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\")) # This text gets garbled when the html is opened using google chrome on windows 7.
cat("שלום", append = F, file =paste(myPath,"temp1.txt", sep = "\\")) # but if I open this file in a text editor - the text looks fine

# The text in the HTML folder would look as if I where to run this in R:
(x <- iconv("שלום", from = "CP1252", to = "UTF8") )
# But if I where to try and put it into the file, it wouldn't put anything in:
cat(x, append = T, file =paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\")) # empty

Редактировать: Я также попытался использовать следующую кодировку (без успеха)

ff <-file(paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\"), encoding="CP1252")
cat("שלום", append = F, file =ff)
ff<-file(paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\"), encoding="utf-8")
cat("שלום", append = F, file =ff)
ff<-file(paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\"), encoding="ANSI_X3.4-1986")
cat("שלום", append = F, file =ff)
ff<-file(paste(myPath,"temp1.html", sep = "\\"), encoding="iso8859-8")
cat("שלום", append = F, file =ff)

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