x86-64 Сегментация ошибок сохранения стека указатель

Я сейчас следую вместе с этот учебник, но я не учусь в этой школе.

GDB дает мне ошибку сегментации вthread_start на линии

movq  %rsp, (%rdi)   # save sp in old thread's tcb

Вот дополнительная информация, когда я вернусь назад:

#0  thread_start () at thread_start.s:16
#1  0x0000000180219e83 in _cygtls::remove(unsigned int)::__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
    () from /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
#2  0x00000000ffffcc6b in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Будучи новичком, я не могу понять, почему. Вот мой основной файл:

#define STACK_SIZE 1024*1024

//Thread TCB
struct thread {
    unsigned char * stack_pointer;
    void(*initial_function)(void *);
    void * initial_argument;

struct thread * current_thread;
struct thread * inactive_thread;

void thread_switch(struct thread * old_t, struct thread * new_t);
void thread_start(struct thread * old_t, struct thread * new_t);

void yield() {
    //swap threads
    struct thread * temp = current_thread;
    current_thread = inactive_thread;
    inactive_thread = temp;

    thread_switch(inactive_thread, current_thread);

void thread_wrap() {
   // call the thread's function

int factorial(int n) {
    return n == 0 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);

// calls and print the factorial
void fun_with_threads(void * arg) {
    int n = *(int*)arg;
    printf("%d! = %d\n", n, factorial(n));
int main() {
    //allocate memory for threads
    inactive_thread = (struct thread*) malloc(sizeof(struct thread));
    current_thread = (struct thread*) malloc(sizeof(struct thread));

    // argument for factorial
    int *p= (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
    *p = 5;

    // intialise thread
    current_thread->initial_argument =  p; 
    current_thread->initial_function = fun_with_threads;
    current_thread->stack_pointer = ((unsigned char*) malloc(STACK_SIZE)) + STACK_SIZE; 
    thread_start(inactive_thread, current_thread);
    return 0;

Вот мой ассемблерный код для thread_start

# Inline comment
/* Block comment */

# void thread_switch(struct thread * old_t, struct thread * new_t);

.globl thread_start

  pushq %rbx           # callee-save
  pushq %rbp           # callee-save
  pushq %r12           # callee-save
  pushq %r13           # callee-save
  pushq %r14           # callee-save
  pushq %r15           # callee-save

  movq  %rsp, (%rdi)   # save sp in old thread's tcb
  movq (%rsi), %rsp    # load sp from  new thread

  jmp thread_wrap

и thread_switch:

# Inline comment
/* Block comment */

# void thread_switch(struct thread * old_t, struct thread * new_t);

.globl thread_switch

  pushq %rbx           # callee-save
  pushq %rbp           # callee-save
  pushq %r12           # callee-save
  pushq %r13           # callee-save
  pushq %r14           # callee-save
  pushq %r15           # callee-save
  movq  %rsp, (%rdi)   # save sp in old thread's tcb
  movq (%rsi), %rsp    # load sp from  new thread
  popq  %r15           # callee-restore
  popq  %r14           # callee-restore
  popq  %r13           # callee-restore
  popq  %r12           # callee-restore
  popq  %rbp           # callee-restore
  popq  %rbx           # callee-restore
  ret                  # return

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