Получение данных из проблемы Firebase

Программист-новичок, в настоящее время работающий над приложением ios, использующим Firebase в качестве нашего бэкэнда. Я пытаюсь получить значения из базы данных Firebase, чтобы заполнить TableView, но есть две проблемы. Во-первых, кажется, что игнорируется ref.observeSingleEvent, который я настроил, чтобы попытаться получить значения, и во время работы консоли выводит:

2016-10-16 00: 26: 02.635: СТОП !! Сброс DeviceID из памяти.
2016-10-16 00: 26: 02.635: не удалось получить токен по умолчанию. Ошибка Domain = com.firebase.iid Code = 6 "(null)"

похожий наэтот вопрос. Я совершенно уверен, что следовалFirebase документация правильно для настройки.

Важная часть кода в CommitteesTableViewController:

// Sets each cell up with its committee title
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "committeeCell", for: indexPath) as! CommitteeTableViewCell
    let committee = cell.committeeLabel
    let sectionRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference(withPath: "Committee".child(String(indexPath.section))
    let committeeRef = sectionRef.child(String(indexPath.row))
    let currentRef = committeeRef.child(String(indexPath.row)).child("name")
    currentRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
        committee?.text = snapshot.value as? String
    return cell

База данных JSON, которая находится в базе данных:

"Committee" : {
    "0" : {
        "0" : {
            "name" : "First Disarmament and International Security Committee",
            "Head Chair" : "Jessie Mao",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Himaja Jangle, Sita McGuire",
            "Topics" : "Congo: Resources in Conflict, Modern Warfare: Privatization of War"
        "1" : {
            "name" : "UN Special,  Political And Decolonization Committee",
            "Head Chair" : "Trevor Dowds",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Lucia Zhang, Sarah Yue",
            "Topics" : "A Review of UN Peacekeeping Operations, Situation in Sudan and South Sudan"
        "2" : {
            "name" : "UN 6th Legal Committee",
            "Head Chair" : "Benjy Malings",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Sherry Guo, Emma Lautanen",
            "Topics" : "Reform of the ICC/ICJ System, Reconsidering the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)"
        "name" : "Bloc A"
    "1" : {
        "0" : {
            "name" : "UN Human Rights Council",
            "Head Chair" : "Amanda Lee",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Jessica Zhao",
            "Topics" : "Palestinian Women's Rights, Capital Punishment and the Rights of Prisoners"
        "1" : {
            "name" : "UN Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization",
            "Head Chair" : "Adam Umemoto",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Emily Yan, Jacob Hands",
            "Topics" : "Child Soldiers: The Rights of Children in Armed Conflict, Reconsidering the 2030 Education Agenda"
        "2" : {
            "name" : "UN Economic And Social Council",
            "Head Chair" : "Alex Feibleman",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Octavio Garcia Farfan, Liam Campbell",
            "Topics" : "Strengthening Resilience to Climate Related Disasters, Commercial Bribery in Multinational Organizations"
        "3" : {
            "name" : "World Health Organization",
            "Head Chair" : "Mekhala Hoskote",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Brandon Doan, Ashley Njoroge",
            "Topics" : "Sustainable Vaccine Practices and Financing, Improving Slum Health"
        "4" : {
            "name" : "International Criminal Police Organization, INTERPOL ",
            "Head Chair" : "Natasha Cougoule",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Chelsea Evans, Jacky Tian",
            "Topics" : "Controlling the Black Market Trade of Civil War Antiques, Protection of Journalists in Conflict Zones"
        "name" : "Bloc B"
    "2" : {
        "0" : {
            "name" : "UN Security Council",
            "Head Chair" : "Kim Nguyen, TJ Ford",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Mischa Fritz",
            "Topics" : "South China Sea, Open Agenda"
        "1" : {
            "name" : "Historical UN Security Council",
            "Head Chair" : "Pranay Patil",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Michael Pollack",
            "Topics" : "Gulf War, Khmer Rouge"
        "2" : {
            "name" : "North Atlantic Treaty Organization",
            "Head Chair" : "Gloria Cheung",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Trent Gomberg",
            "Topics" : "Post-Intervention Stability in Libya, Unrest in the East: Security in the Black Sea and Baltic Region"
        "3" : {
            "name" : "African Union",
            "Head Chair" : "Itago Kangashi",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Zoe Brouns",
            "Topics" : "Volatile Political Systems: The Role of the AU in Establishing Democracies, The State of Agriculture and Food Security"
        "4" : {
            "name" : "Organization Of American States",
            "Head Chair" : "Adrian Hernandez",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Jane Kim",
            "Topics" : "Drugs and Development in Latin America, Migration Movements in Latin America"
        "5" : {
            "name" : "Chinese State Council",
            "Head Chair" : "Rita Hu",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Haochen Zhou",
            "Topics" : "Review on the Loosening of the One-Child Policy, One Belt, One Road"
        "6" : {
            "name" : "United States Senate",
            "Head Chair" : "Jonas Majewski",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Eric Cherwin",
            "Topics" : "Immigration Reform and a Pathway to Citizenship, Trade Agreements and the American Economy"
        "7" : {
            "name" : "UNEP Division Of Environmental Laws And Conventions",
            "Head Chair" : "Nate Parke",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Kendra Singh",
            "Topics" : "Compensatory Mitigation in a Global Context, Common but Differentiated Environmental Responsibility"
        "8" : {
            "name" : "UN Framework Convention On Climate Change  - Conference Of The Parties 22.5",
            "Head Chair" : "Katie Lee",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Se Yeon Kim",
            "Topics" : "Building Adaptation Capacity for Vulnerable Communities, Governance of Geoengineering"
        "9" : {
            "name" : "European Court Of Human Rights",
            "Head Chair" : "Jake Moskowitz",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Patty Midy",
            "Topics" : "Cyprus v. Turkey"
        "10" : {
            "name" : "Press Corps",
            "Head Chair" : "Sarah Bauer",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Hyunwook Kim, Stacey Dojiri",
            "Topics" : "Open Agenda"
        "name" : "Specialized"
    "3" : {
        "0" : {
            "name" : "Joint Cabinet Crisis",
            "Head Chair" : "Michael Eliot",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Andy Luo, Michael McDonald, Tushita Saraf",
            "Topics" : "Trade Wars: Anglo-Dutch East India Companies"
        "1" : {
            "name" : "Committee For Sustainable Development",
            "Head Chair" : "Rob Purviance",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Daksh Bhatia",
            "Topics" : "Rebuilding a Nation: Infrastructure Development in Myanmar"
        "2" : {
            "name" : "Historical Crisis",
            "Head Chair" : "Arjun Banerjee",
            "Vice Chairs" : "Alex Wilfert",
            "Topics" : "Unification of Germany"
        "name" : "Crisis"



Таким образом, изменение базы данных firebase любым способом (например, добавление случайного значения) заставляет ее работать на мгновение, но затем после некоторой остановки приложения оно перестает работать снова и продолжает работать, а не время от времени. Я думаю, что это связано с выбором Наблюдать за SingleEvent, но я не уверен.

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