модульное тестирование прикрепленного поведения wpf

Я все еще ворчу с привязанным поведением в целом и затрудняюсь понять, как написать модульный тест для одного из них.

Я вставил некоторый код ниже из фреймворка Sina Barber Cinch, который позволяет закрывать окно с помощью прикрепленного поведения. Может кто-нибудь показать мне пример тестового модуля для него?


    #region Close

    /// <summary>Dependency property which holds the ICommand for the Close event</summary>
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CloseProperty =
            typeof(ICommand), typeof(Lifetime),
                new UIPropertyMetadata(null, OnCloseEventInfoChanged));

    /// <summary>Attached Property getter to retrieve the CloseProperty ICommand</summary>
    public static ICommand GetClose(DependencyObject source)
        return (ICommand)source.GetValue(CloseProperty);

    /// <summary>Attached Property setter to change the CloseProperty ICommand</summary>
    public static void SetClose(DependencyObject source, ICommand command)
        source.SetValue(CloseProperty, command);

    /// <summary>This is the property changed handler for the Close property.</summary>
    private static void OnCloseEventInfoChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var win = sender as Window;
        if (win == null) return;

        win.Closing -= OnWindowClosing;
        win.Closed -= OnWindowClosed;

        if (e.NewValue == null) return;

        win.Closing += OnWindowClosing;
        win.Closed += OnWindowClosed;

    /// <summary>
    /// This method is invoked when the Window.Closing event is raised.  
    /// It checks with the ICommand.CanExecute handler
    /// and cancels the event if the handler returns false.
    /// </summary>
    private static void OnWindowClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
        var dpo = (DependencyObject)sender;
        var ic = GetClose(dpo);
        if (ic == null) return;

        e.Cancel = !ic.CanExecute(GetCommandParameter(dpo));

    /// <summary>
    /// This method is invoked when the Window.Closed event is raised.  
    /// It executes the ICommand.Execute handler.
    /// </summary>
    static void OnWindowClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var dpo = (DependencyObject)sender;
        var ic = GetClose(dpo);
        if (ic == null) return;



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