Как сделать функцию, которая объединяет два кортежа в C ++ 11 (STL)?

I recently ran across this puzzle, was finally able to struggle out a hacky answer (using index arrays), and wanted to share it (answer below). I am sure there are answers that use template recursion and answers that use boost; if you're interested, please share other ways to do this. I think having these all in one place may benefit others and be useful for learning some of the cool C++11 template metaprogramming tricks.

Problem: Даны два кортежа одинаковой длины:

auto tup1 = std::make_tuple(1, 'b', -10);
auto tup2 = std::make_tuple(2.5, 2, std::string("even strings?!"));

Как создать функцию, которая будет "застегиваться на молнию"? два кортежа в гетерогенный кортеж пар?

    std::pair<int, double>,
    std::pair<char, int>,
    std::pair<int, std::string> > result =
    tuple_zip( tup1, tup2 );


std::get<0>(result) == std::make_pair(1, 2.5);
std::get<1>(result) == std::make_pair('b', 2);
std::get<2>(result) == std::make_pair(-10, std::string("even strings?!"));

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