Нарисуйте маршрут движения между 2 GeoPoints в GoogleMap SupportMapFragment

Это сложный вопрос, бьющий меня по голове целый день, пожалуйста, помогите.

Я использую Google Maps Apis, чтобы получить кратчайшее расстояние и его маршруты, точки и т. Д. Между двумя предоставляемыми мною GeoPoints, см. Код ниже

private JSONObject GetDistance(String src, String dest) throws Exception
    StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder();
    urlString.append("origin=");// from
    urlString.append("&destination=");// to

    // get the JSON And parse it to get the directions data.
    HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
    URL url = null;

    url = new URL(urlString.toString());
    urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

    InputStream inStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream));

    String temp, response = "";
    while ((temp = bReader.readLine()) != null)
        // Parse data
        response += temp;
    // Close the reader, stream & connection

    JSONObject object = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(response).nextValue();

    return (object);

Я также строю 2 GeoPoints на фрагменте карт Google, я использую SupportMapFragment, то есть эту библиотеку com.google.android.gms.maps.SupportMapFragment

я хочу нарисовать маршрут, который я получаю из функции getDistance, приведенной выше, она выводит данные в формате JSON, с которыми я легко справлюсь.

Here is the JSON object that I get from the getDistance function
    "status": "OK",
    "routes": [
            "waypoint_order": [],
            "summary": "Wilbraham Rd/A6010",
            "bounds": {
                "southwest": {
                    "lng": -2.26773,
                    "lat": 53.4301
                "northeast": {
                    "lng": -2.19414,
                    "lat": 53.45106000000001
            "legs": [
                    "duration": {
                        "value": 797,
                        "text": "13 mins"
                    "distance": {
                        "value": 7289,
                        "text": "4.5 mi"
                    "end_location": {
                        "lng": -2.19414,
                        "lat": 53.43052
                    "start_address": "137 College Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester M16 0AA, UK",
                    "end_address": "6 Ealing Place, Manchester M19, UK",
                    "start_location": {
                        "lng": -2.26773,
                        "lat": 53.45106000000001
                    "via_waypoint": [],
                    "steps": [
                            "html_instructions": "Head southeast on College Rd toward Park Dr",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 83,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 729,
                                "text": "0.5 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.25758,
                                "lat": 53.45005
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "ctfeIh|yLrBaEdAoB`@w@N]BKDM@Q@M?]?WC}AAgAGyG?mAI{GG{JM_HAo@"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.26773,
                                "lat": 53.45106000000001
                            "html_instructions": "Turn right onto Withington Rd",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 96,
                                "text": "2 mins"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 747,
                                "text": "0.5 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.25703,
                                "lat": 53.44339
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "ymfeIz|wLJ@v@TL@N?H?HAHCJEXKhAy@JGTEH?|BAzAExAAN?z@Cb@?dA?d@AdFKxCGfCC"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.25758,
                                "lat": 53.45005
                            "html_instructions": "Turn left onto Wilbraham Rd/A6010",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 249,
                                "text": "4 mins"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 2565,
                                "text": "1.6 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.21852,
                                "lat": 53.44261
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "edeeIlywLAsGAgA@}D@m@@{EFqGHcG?]LmGHaFDyD@gB?sC?oDIw@?i@AuACoCKiGWcNe@mQKcEK}DASAe@C{AAcAAq@?_B?mABkALkCFgBF[LsCp@sQFyADmALkDj@wNx@_U@wA"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.25703,
                                "lat": 53.44339
                            "html_instructions": "Continue straight onto Moseley Rd/B5093Continue to follow Moseley RdGo through 1 roundabout",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 100,
                                "text": "2 mins"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 974,
                                "text": "0.6 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.20411,
                                "lat": 53.44213000000001
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "i_eeIvhpLDsA@a@Ba@D{@JgAPsAVgBHi@De@Fe@Bc@Bk@D{@@_A?qAB}I?gA@oDBmJ@qD?g@@gGBgD@[?Q?MA[AUG]A??AA??AA??AA??A?AA??A?A?AAA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A@??A?A?A@A?A@??A@A@A@?@AYiE"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.21852,
                                "lat": 53.44261
                            "html_instructions": "At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Kingsway/A34",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 63,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 694,
                                "text": "0.4 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.20629,
                                "lat": 53.43661
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "i|deItnmLC?AAA?AAAAA?AA?AACAAAAAC?AAC?AAC?C?C?CAA?C?C@C?C?A?C@C?C@A?C@A@C?A@A@A@A@A@A@?@A@?@A@?@?B?@@@?@@@?@@@??@@@@@?@@@@@?@@@?@?@@@b@V^VZHDBHBf@Rv@ZLD`@NJDB@h@RrFvBLDhGxBjFdB"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.20411,
                                "lat": 53.44213000000001
                            "html_instructions": "Turn left onto Grangethorpe Dr",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 56,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 415,
                                "text": "0.3 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.20015,
                                "lat": 53.43616
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "yyceIh|mL\\aCBUBa@RcCFc@FcAHiB@MReRM}@AI"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.20629,
                                "lat": 53.43661
                            "html_instructions": "Continue onto Crossley Rd",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 45,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 394,
                                "text": "0.2 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19433,
                                "lat": 53.43562000000001
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "_wceI|ulLGyCBY@GJs@L}@BaA?GFqCBiBDkB@CLkBPkBRsCF{@"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.20015,
                                "lat": 53.43616
                            "html_instructions": "Turn right onto Errwood Rd",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 60,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 607,
                                "text": "0.4 mi"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19615,
                                "lat": 53.43027000000001
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "ssceIpqkL`GtA`B`@xCt@z@Th@H|EnAjFlA"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19433,
                                "lat": 53.43562000000001
                            "html_instructions": "Take the 2nd left onto Watford Rd",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 12,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 83,
                                "text": "272 ft"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19492,
                                "lat": 53.4301
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "erbeI||kL`@uF"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19615,
                                "lat": 53.43027000000001
                            "html_instructions": "Turn left onto Eastern Cir",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 20,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 65,
                                "text": "213 ft"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19415,
                                "lat": 53.43037
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "cqbeIfukLWWIMKUG_@AU@g@"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19492,
                                "lat": 53.4301
                            "html_instructions": "Take the 2nd left onto Ealing Pl",
                            "duration": {
                                "value": 13,
                                "text": "1 min"
                            "distance": {
                                "value": 16,
                                "text": "52 ft"
                            "end_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19414,
                                "lat": 53.43052
                            "polyline": {
                                "points": "yrbeIlpkL]A"
                            "travel_mode": "DRIVING",
                            "start_location": {
                                "lng": -2.19415,
                                "lat": 53.43037
            "warnings": [],
            "overview_polyline": {
                "points": "ctfeIh|yLxDqHp@uAHYB_@E{EGgJQwSOoIbAVp@?TIXKhAy@`@MfCA`GKhB?jGM`HKC{ILyUHaHVoNFaH?cIIw@?i@EeFc@mVq@qWSsICcHPwEFgBF[~@gVLgDx@cTx@_U@wAFuBH}A\\{C`@qCLkAFoAF{BBoLFwW@oHDcECqAK_@CCCM?G@E@GDEBAYiEC?CACCEGEICMAMD[BKFGFCHAFBDDDF@Fd@X^VZHNF~An@~@\\|GjCvG~BjFdB\\aCFw@ZgDPmDTsROgAGyCBYL{@L}@BaAFyCHuENoBd@_GF{@`GtAzFvAdB^|EnAjFlA`@uFWWUc@Iu@@g@]A"
            "copyrights": "Map data ©2013 Google"

Пожалуйста, помогите, яЯ действительно очень потерян здесь.

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