Android - A classe AudioRecord não lê dados, audioData e fftArray retornam zero

Sou novo no android e tenho trabalhado em um aplicativo Pitch Analyzer (SDK mínimo: 8). Eu li muitos artigos sobre como implementar a classe Audiorecord, mas me pergunto por que ele não lê nenhum dado quando gravo. Tentei exibir os valores de audioData e fftArray, mas zero é retornado, portanto, assumi que o problema estava no método de leitura. Por favor, tente verificar isso. Aqui estão os códigos que eu usei:

final Intent intent = new Intent("pitch.analyzer.PitZer.ASSESSMENT");
MediaRecorder recorder;
AudioRecord tuner;
int audioSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC;
int sampleRateInHz = AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate(AudioManager.STREAM_SYSTEM);
int channelConfig = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO;
int audioFormat = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
int bufferSizeInBytes = 4096;

int samples;
short[] audioBuffer;
short[] audioData;
double[] temp;
TextView fft;
TextView results;
//TextView bufferSize;
Complex[] fftTempArray;
Complex[] fftArray;
Complex[] fftInverse;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    Button start=(Button)findViewById(;
    Button stop=(Button)findViewById(;
    fft = (TextView)findViewById(;
    results = (TextView)findViewById(;
    //bufferSize = (TextView)findViewById(;     
    audioData = new short[bufferSizeInBytes];
    tuner = new AudioRecord(audioSource, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, audioFormat, bufferSizeInBytes);
    //final AudioRecorder recorder = new AudioRecorder("/audiometer/temp");

    start.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

    //….wait a while

        stop.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

public void acquire(){
    try {
        samples =, 0, bufferSizeInBytes);
    catch (Throwable t){


public void computeFFT(){
    //Conversion from short to double
    double[] micBufferData = new double[bufferSizeInBytes];//size may need to change
    final int bytesPerSample = 2; // As it is 16bit PCM
    final double amplification = 100.0; // choose a number as you like
    for (int index = 0, floatIndex = 0; index < bufferSizeInBytes - bytesPerSample + 1; index += bytesPerSample, floatIndex++) {
        double sample = 0;
        for (int b = 0; b < bytesPerSample; b++) {
            int v = audioData[index + b];
            if (b < bytesPerSample - 1 || bytesPerSample == 1) {
                v &= 0xFF;
            sample += v << (b * 8);
        double sample32 = amplification * (sample / 32768.0);
        micBufferData[floatIndex] = sample32;

    //Create Complex array for use in FFT
    fftTempArray = new Complex[bufferSizeInBytes];
    for (int i=0; i<bufferSizeInBytes; i++)
        fftTempArray[i] = new Complex(micBufferData[i], 0);

    //Obtain array of FFT data
    fftArray = FFT.fft(fftTempArray);
    fftInverse = FFT.ifft(fftTempArray);
    double[] freq2 = new double[fftArray.length];
    //Create an array of magnitude of fftArray
    double[] magnitude = new double[fftArray.length];
    for (int i=0; i<fftArray.length; i++){
        magnitude[i]= fftArray[i].abs();
        freq2[i] = ComputeFrequency(magnitude[i]);

    //fft.setText("fftArray is "+ fftArray[500] +" and fftTempArray is "+fftTempArray[500] + " and fftInverse is "+fftInverse[500]+" and audioData is "+audioData[500]+ " and magnitude is "+ magnitude[1] + ", "+magnitude[500]+", "+magnitude[1000]+ " and freq2 is "+ freq2[1]+" You rock dude!");
    /*for(int i = 2; i < samples; i++){
        fft.append(" " + magnitude[i] + " Hz");
    for(int i = 2; i < samples; i++){
        fft.append(" " + freq2[i] + " Hz");

private double ComputeFrequency(double arrayIndex) {
    return ((1.0 * sampleRateInHz) / (1.0 * 100)) * arrayIndex;

public void display(){
    results.setText("results: "+audioData[1]+"");
    for(int i = 2; i < samples; i++){
        results.append(" " + audioData[i]);
    fft.setText("sampleRateInHz: "+sampleRateInHz);
    fft.append("\nfftArray: "+fftArray[0]+" Hz");
    for(int i = 1; i < samples; i++){
        fft.append(" " + fftArray[i] + " Hz");
    fft.append("\naudioData: "+audioData[1]);
    fft.append("\nsamples: "+samples);
public void stop() throws IOException {
