LinkedList e Nó em Java

Para começar, sim, isso é para uma tarefa em sala de aula, mas minha falta de entendimento sobre como ela funciona é maior do que eu gostaria que foss

Recebemos 3 aulas, são as seguintes:

package chapter3.linkedList;

public class SLinkedList<V> {
    // instance variables.  Add the tail reference.
    protected Node<V> head, tail;
    protected long size;

    // methods, empty list constructor first
    public SLinkedList () {
        head = null;
        tail = null;
        size = 0;
    }  // end constructor of a SLinkedList

    // method to add nodes to the list.  Storage space for the node
    // is already allocated in the calling method
    public void addFirst (Node<V> node) {
        // set the tail only if this is the very first node
        if (tail == null)
            tail = node;
        node.setNext (head);    // make next of the new node refer to the head
        head = node;            // give head a new value

        // change our size
    }  // end method addFirst

    // addAfter - add new node after current node, checking to see if we are at the tail
    public void addAfter (Node<V>currentNode, Node<V>newNode) {
        if (currentNode == tail)
            tail = newNode;
        newNode.setNext (currentNode.getNext ());
        currentNode.setNext (newNode);

        // change our size
    }  // end method addAfter

    // addLast - add new node after the tail node.  Adapted from Code Fragment 3.15, p. 118.
    // Mike Qualls
    public void addLast (Node<V> node) {
        node.setNext (null);
        tail.setNext (node);
        tail = node;
    }  // end method addLast

    // methods to remove nodes from the list.  (Unfortunately, with a single linked list
    // there is no way to remove last.  Need a previous reference to do that.  (See
    // Double Linked Lists and the code below.)
    public Node<V> removeFirst () {
        if (head == null)
            System.err.println("Error:  Attempt to remove from an empty list");

        // save the one to return
        Node<V> temp = head;

        // do reference manipulation
        head = head.getNext ();

        return temp;

    }  // end method removeFirst

    // remove the node at the end of the list.  tail refers to this node, but
    // since the list is single linked, there is no way to refer to the node
    // before the tail node.  Need to traverse the list.
    public Node<V> removeLast () {
        // // declare local variables/objects
        Node<V> nodeBefore;
        Node<V> nodeToRemove;

        // make sure we have something to remove
        if (size == 0)
            System.err.println("Error:  Attempt to remove fron an empty list");

        // traverse through the list, getting a reference to the node before
        // the trailer.  Since there is no previous reference.
        nodeBefore = getFirst ();

        // potential error  ??  See an analysis and drawing that indicates the number of iterations
        // 9/21/10.  size - 2 to account for the head and tail nodes.  We want to refer to the one before the
        // tail.
        for (int count = 0; count < size - 2; count++)
            nodeBefore = nodeBefore.getNext ();

        // save the last node
        nodeToRemove = tail;

        // now, do the pointer manipulation
        nodeBefore.setNext (null);
        tail = nodeBefore;

        return nodeToRemove;

    }  // end method removeLast

    // method remove.  Remove a known node from the list.  No need to search or return a value.  This method
    // makes use of a 'before' reference in order to allow list manipulation.
    public void remove (Node<V> nodeToRemove) {
        // declare local variables/references
        Node<V> nodeBefore, currentNode;

        // make sure we have something to remove
        if (size == 0)
            System.err.println("Error:  Attempt to remove fron an empty list");

        // starting at the beginning check for removal
        currentNode = getFirst ();
        if (currentNode == nodeToRemove)
            removeFirst ();
        currentNode = getLast ();
        if (currentNode == nodeToRemove)
            removeLast ();

        // we've already check two nodes, check the rest
        if (size - 2 > 0) {
            nodeBefore = getFirst ();
            currentNode = getFirst ().getNext ();
            for (int count = 0; count < size - 2; count++) {
                if (currentNode == nodeToRemove) {
                    // remove current node
                    nodeBefore.setNext (currentNode.getNext ());
                }  // end if node found

                // change references
                nodeBefore = currentNode;
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext ();
            }  // end loop to process elements
        }  // end if size - 2 > 0

    }  // end method remove

    // the gets to return the head and/or tail nodes and size of the list
    public Node<V> getFirst () { return head; }
    public Node<V> getLast () { return tail; }  
    public long getSize () { return size; }

}  // end class SLinkedList

package chapter3.linkedList;

public class Node<V> {
    // instance variables
    private V element;
    private Node<V> next;

    // methods, constructor first
    public Node () {
        this (null, null);      // call the constructor with two args
    }  // end no argument constructor
    public Node (V element, Node<V> next) {
        this.element = element; = next;
    }  // end constructor with arguments

    // set/get methods
    public V getElement () { return element; }
    public Node<V> getNext () { return next; }
    public void setElement (V element) { this.element = element; }
    public void setNext (Node<V> next) { = next; }

}  // end class Node


package Project_1;

public class GameEntry 
    protected String name;  // name of the person earning this score
    protected int score;    // the score value
    /** Constructor to create a game entry */
    public GameEntry(String name, int score) 
    { = name;
      this.score = score;
    /** Retrieves the name field */
    public String getName() 
        return name; 
    /** Retrieves the score field */
    public int getScore() 
        return score; 
    /** Returns a string representation of this entry */
    public String toString() 
      return "(" + name + ", " + score + ")"; 


Passei três horas ouvindo sua palestra, lendo o texto (Data Structures and Algorithms 5th Edition) e olhando através de fóruns da Internet e vídeos do youtube, mas não consigo entender como para utilizar a classe node / slinkedlist.

O objetivo da tarefa é "Escreva uma classe que mantenha as 10 melhores pontuações ou um aplicativo de jogo, implementando os métodos de adição e remoção, mas usando uma única lista vinculada em vez de uma matriz.

Não quero que alguém faça isso por mim, mas quero saber como fazer a lista vinculada. Eu sei que isso NÃO é tão difícil, mas fazê-lo com esse código que ele forneceu se tornou dolorosamente difícil, qualquer ajuda seria realmente apreciada.

Agradeço antecipadamente


inha função principal:

package Project_1;

public class ScoresTest {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) 
          GameEntry entry;
          Scores highScores = new Scores();     
          entry = new GameEntry("Anna", 600);       
          entry = new GameEntry("Paul", 720);
          System.out.println("The Original High Scores");

          entry = new GameEntry("Jill", 1150);
          System.out.println("Scores after adding Jill");


Este é, na maioria das vezes, exatamente como deveria terminar, mas é tudo o que faz esse trabalho me impressionar ... bem ... tudo que lida com as 3 classes mencionadas acima, eu poderia fazer isso se elas não fossem ' t um fator sem muito problema, é isso que está causando o meu espaço em branco.