Como vírgula separar várias linhas obtidas de uma consulta SQL

Eu escrevi uma consulta como:

select tbl1.Id, tbl1.FirstName, tbl1.MiddleInit, tbl1.LastName, tbl1.SocialSecNum, tbl1.DateOfBirth, 
tbl1.EyeColor, tbl1.Sex, tbl1.AlertNotes, tbl1.RiskNotes, tbl1.Height, tbl1.[Weight], tbl1.AllergyNotes, 
tbl2.HairColor, tbl3.SexualConsent, tbl4.MaritalStatus, tbl5.Ethnicity, tbl6.Veteran, tbl7.Religion, tbl8.Race, 
tbl9.[Language] as [Language]


(SELECT C.Id, C.FirstName, C.MiddleInit, C.LastName, C.SocialSecNum, C.DateOfBirth, C.Sex, 
GL.LookupItem as EyeColor, CC.AlertNotes, CC.RiskNotes, CC.Height, CC.[Weight], CC.AllergyNotes  
FROM dbo.Client C INNER JOIN dbo.ClientCharacteristic CC ON C.Id = CC.ClientId INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=CC.glEyeColorId) tbl1,  

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as HairColor  
FROM dbo.ClientCharacteristic CC INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=CC.glHairColorId) tbl2,

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as SexualConsent  
FROM dbo.ClientCharacteristic CC INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=CC.glSexConsentId) tbl3,

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as MaritalStatus  
FROM dbo.Client C INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=C.glMaritalStatusId where C.Id=2) tbl4,

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as Ethnicity 
FROM dbo.GeneralLookupTransition GLT INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=GLT.glValueId where GLT.ParentRecordId=2 and GLT.ControlName='CONSUMER_ETHNICITY_LIST') tbl5, 

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as Veteran  
FROM dbo.Client C INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=C.glVeteranId where C.Id=2) tbl6, 

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as Religion 
FROM dbo.GeneralLookupTransition GLT INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=GLT.glValueId where GLT.ParentRecordId=2 and GLT.ControlName='CONSUMER_RELIGION_DROPDOWN') tbl7, 

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as Race 
FROM dbo.GeneralLookupTransition GLT INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=GLT.glValueId where GLT.ParentRecordId=2 and GLT.ControlName='CONSUMER_RACE_DROPDOWN') tbl8, 

(SELECT GL.LookupItem as [Language] 
FROM dbo.GeneralLookupTransition GLT INNER JOIN dbo.GeneralLookup GL ON 
GL.Id=GLT.glValueId where GLT.ParentRecordId=2 and GLT.ControlName='CONSUMER_CHARACTERISTIC_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN') tbl9

O resultado é

Estas algumas das colunas que obtive desta consulta. Veja a coluna Etnia. Possui 3 registros diferentes em um único cliente. Diga-me como posso converter esses três registros em um único registro separado por vírgula na mesma coluna e essas três linhas se tornarem uma única linh

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