Falha na compilação do Xamarin Android "Valor inválido para outputAssembly"

Alguns dias atrás, minha solução parecia funcionar bem, mas hoje de repente o projeto Android não é desenvolvido. Não recebo erro, mas recebo a seguinte saída:

1>Build started.
1>Project "MyApp.Android.csproj" (Install target(s)):
1>Project "MyApp.csproj" (GetTargetFrameworks target(s)):
1>Done building project "MyApp.csproj".
1>Project "MyApp.csproj" (GetTargetFrameworks target(s)):
1>Done building project "MyApp.csproj".
1>Project "MyApp.csproj" (GetTargetPath target(s)):
1>Done building project "MyApp.csproj".
1>Project "MyApp.csproj" (GetTargetPath target(s)):
1>Done building project "MyApp.csproj".
1>Project "MyApp.csproj" (GetNativeManifest target(s)):
1>Done building project "MyApp.csproj".
1>Project "MyApp.csproj" (GetNativeManifest target(s)):
1>Done building project "MyApp.csproj".
1>"obj\Debug\MyApp.Android.dll;obj\Debug\MyApp.Android.dll" is an invalid value for the "OutputAssembly" parameter of the "Csc" task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter of type "Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem".
1>Done building project "MyApp.Android.csproj" -- FAILED.
1>Build FAILED.

Também tentei excluir as pastas bin en obj, limpar e reconstruir a solução e excluir o MyApp.Android.dll. Mas após a reconstrução, a mesma coisa acontece novamente.

Eu recebo o seguinte aviso:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Warning IDE0006 Error encountered while loading the project. Some project features, such as full solution analysis for the failed project and projects that depend on it, have been disabled.   BarApp.Android      1   Active

