Como instalar o influxdb no sistema operacional Windows e acessar o Console de administração

Eu sou novo eminfluxdb e tentando instalá-lo no meu sistema operacional Windows 7 - 64.

A seguir estão as etapas feitas até agora:

Arquivo .zip baixado do seguinte local: a pasta no seguinte local:J:\common\influxdb\influxdb-1.1.0_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.1.0-1

Lançou o prompt de comando com privilégios de administrador e execute os seguintes comandos:

1. cd J:\common\influxdb\influxdb-1.1.0_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.1.0-1
2. influxd.exe

A seguir, são exibidas as mensagens no prompt de comando:

 [run] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 InfluxDB starting, version 1.1.0, branch master, commit 800da5732b91c816b0a097acf8887fa2af1efa1a
[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 Go version go1.7.3, GOMAXPROCS set to 4
[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 no configuration provided, using default settings
[store] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 Using data dir: C:\Users\USER_HP_2013_03\.influxdb\d
[subscriber] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 opened service
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 Starting monitor system
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 'build' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 'runtime' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 'network' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 'system' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[shard-precreation] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting precreation service with check
interval of 10m0s, advance period of 30m0s
[snapshot] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting snapshot service
[continuous_querier] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting continuous query service
[httpd] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting HTTP service
[httpd] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Authentication enabled: false
[httpd] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Listening on HTTP: [::]:8086
[retention] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting retention policy enforcement service wi
th check interval of 30m0s
[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Listening for signals
2016/11/15 14:52:22 Sending usage statistics to
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Storing statistics in database '_internal' retenti
on policy 'monitor', at interval 10s
[shard] 2016/11/15 14:52:40 C:\Users\USER_HP_2013_03\.influxdb\data\_internal\mo
nitor\1 database index loaded in 0s

Pergunta, questão:

Quando estou tentando acessaradmin console usandohttp: // localhost: 8083, obtendoFirefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:8083.

e se eu tentar conectar usandohttp: // localhost: 8086, obtendo404 not found.

Ajude-me a acessar o console de administração do influxdb.

Adicionada captura de tela do prompt de comando:

Edição: Eu tentei as etapas nos seguintes links:

Como instalar o InfluxDB no Windows