Brilhante - filtros de dados dinâmicos usando insertUI

Eu sou novo no brilhante e estava tentando escrever um aplicativo no qual o usuário pode adicionar dinamicamente filtros de dados (veja o código abaixo). Eu pensei que insertUI e remover interface do usuário são muito legais para esse fim. No entanto, tenho vários problemas:

    1) I cannot address dynamically generates input$ids (see filterId in the code, l. 36 and l. 58)
    2) in updateCheckboxGroupInput (l. 62) checkboxes are not preselected.
    3) I cannot select data rows using which() (l. 74)
    4) The checkboxes are not displayed inside the column, but spread over the whole page.

Eu aprecio muito todas as dicas.

Obrigado Jordi

aqui o código:


rowvalues <- function(col,data) {

ui <- fluidPage(
        column(6, actionButton('addFilter', 'Add filter')),
        column(6, actionButton('removeFilter', 'Remove filter')),
        offset = 6
      tags$div(id = 'placeholderAddRemFilt'),
      tags$div(id = 'placeholderFilter'),
      width = 4 # sidebar

server <- function(input, output,session) {
  filter <- character(0)

  observeEvent(input$addFilter, {
    add <- input$addFilter
    filterId <- paste0('Filter', add)
    headers <- names(mtcars)
      selector = '#placeholderFilter',
      ui = tags$div(
        # selectInput(filterId, label = paste0("Filter ",add), # does not work
        selectInput("ColFilter", label = paste0("Filter ",add), 
                    choices = as.list(headers), 
                    selected = 1),
        checkboxGroupInput("RowFilter", label = "Select variable values",
                           choices = NULL, selected = NULL, 
                           inline = TRUE, width = 4000),
        id = filterId

    filter <<- c(filter,filterId)

  observeEvent(input$removeFilter, {
      ## pass in appropriate div id
      selector = paste0('#', filter[length(filter)])
    filter <<- filter[-length(filter)]

  # observeEvent(input$filterId, { # does ntót work
  observeEvent(input$ColFilter, {
    col <- input$ColFilter
    values <- as.list(unique(mtcars[col]))[[1]]
    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session,"RowFilter", label = "Select variable    values", 
                              choices = values, selected = values, 
                              inline = TRUE)

  output$data <- renderTable({
    col <- input$ColFilter
    rows <- input$RowFilter
    print(c("selected col: ",col))
    print(c("selected rows: ",as.vector(rows)))
    if(is.null(col)) mtcars
    else {
      mtcars[which(mtcars$col != rows),]

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)