O programa está pulando sobre Getline () sem aceitar a entrada do usuário [duplicado]

Esta pergunta já tem uma resposta aqui:

Por que std :: getline () ignora a entrada após uma extração formatada? 3 respostas

Este é um problema muito estranho, quando meu programa solicita ao usuário o endereço, em vez de aguardar a entrada, parece ignorar completamente a função getline ()


cout << "would you like to add another entry to the archive? (Y/N):";

cin >> answer;

cout << endl;
cout << endl;

answer = toupper(answer);

    case 'Y':

        cout << "began record number " << Entrynumber << "+ 1." << endl;

        cout << "Enter the last name of the person to be entered" << endl;

        cin >> stringentry;
        cout << endl;

        stringlength = stringentry.length();

        strcpy(Record[Entrynumber].Last_Name, stringentry.c_str());

        Record[Entrynumber].Last_Name[stringlength] = '*';

        cout << "Enter the first name of the person" << endl;

        cin >> stringentry;
        cout << endl;

        stringlength = stringentry.length();

        strcpy(Record[Entrynumber].First_Name, stringentry.c_str());

        Record[Entrynumber].First_Name[stringlength] = '*';

        cout << "Enter the SSN of the person" << endl;
        cin >> Record[Entrynumber].SSN;
        cout << endl;

        cout << "Enter the age of the person" << endl;
        cin >> Record[Entrynumber].Age;
        cout << endl;

        cout << "Enter the address of the person" << endl;


        cout << endl;

        stringentry = Record[Entrynumber].Address;

        stringlength = stringentry.length();

        Record[Entrynumber].Address[stringlength] = '*';

        cout << "you entered:" << endl;

        for(jim = 0 ; Record[Entrynumber].Last_Name[jim + 1] != '*' ; jim++)
            cout << Record[Entrynumber].Last_Name[jim];

        cout << ',' ;

        for(jim = 0 ; Record[Entrynumber].First_Name[jim + 1] != '*' ; jim++)
            cout << Record[Entrynumber].First_Name[jim];

        cout << endl;

        cout << Record[Entrynumber].SSN << endl;
        cout << Record[Entrynumber].Age << endl;

        for(jim = 0 ; Record[Entrynumber].Address[jim + 1] != '*' ; jim++)
            cout << Record[Entrynumber].Address[jim];
        cout << endl;
        cout << endl;

        goto Answerinput;
    case 'N':
        cout << "ok" << endl;
        cout << "invalid answer" << endl;
        goto Answerinput;

saída para o console

would you like to add another entry to
the archive? (Y/N):Y

began record number 6+ 1. 

 Enter the last name of the person to be entered 

 Enter the first name of the person 

 Enter the SSN of the person  22222222

 Enter the age of the person  22

 Enter the address of the person

 you entered: 
 //////////////22 more lines of'|'//////////////////////////////////////////////

 would you like to add another entry to the archive? (Y/N):

Cin.getline () e getline () fazem a mesma coisa.

Estou usando o MVC ++ 2008.

Todos os campos da matriz Record são estruturas, Record [Entrynumber] .Address é uma matriz char.