CLLocationManager monitorRegions (NSSet) não está correto, ou talvez algo mais?
Quero verificar toda vez que o usuário passa por uma loja de uma variedade de lojas, tenho mais de 20 lojas, então escrevi uma função que localiza as 20 lojas mais próximas da localização do usuário e as monitora. A lista sendo atualizada emlocationManager: didUpdateLocations
, Também substituo as antigas 20 regiões monitoradas pela nova localização das 20 lojas mais próximas.
O problema é quelocationManager: didEnterRegion
não está sendo chamado regularmente quando o usuário entra em uma região.
Também notei que, quando verifico olocationManager.monitoredRegions
as regiões estão erradas por algum motivo (eu verifiquei comif
sentença, então talvez eles estejam corretos e sejam mais curtos?).
Se alguém puder verificar meu código e talvez perceber algo que fiz de errado, isso realmente me ajudará!
Meu código:
monitorLocationViewController.m(role para ver o código completo):
//Fetching "allStoresArray"(NSArray of all the stores sent from another class using NSNotificationCenter) and adding it to "allStores"(NSMutableArray)
NSDictionary *storesCategoriesArrays=[notification userInfo];
self.allStores=[storesCategoriesArrays objectForKey:@"allStoresArray"];
//Calling "locationChangeHandler" for monitoring
[self locationChangeHandler];
#pragma mark - CLLocationDelegate methods
//Being called when user's location updated
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray<CLLocation *> *)locations
//If "allStores"(NSMutableArray) isn't nil - calling "locationChangeHandler" to update monitoring
if (self.allStores!=nil) {
[self locationChangeHandler];
//Being called when user enters a monitored region
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region
#pragma mark - Closest stores sorting methods
//Sorting closest stores to the user's location and adding the 20 closest store to "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
//Sorting "allStores"(NSMutableArray) from the closest "Store" to the furthest.
[self.allStores sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id _Nonnull obj1, id _Nonnull obj2) {
//Creating "location1"(CLLocation) and "location2"(CLLocation) and initializing each with "obj1"(id) and "obj2"(id) coordinates
CLLocation *location1=[[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:((Store*)obj1).geoPoint.latitude longitude:((Store*)obj1).geoPoint.longitude];
CLLocation *location2=[[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:((Store*)obj2).geoPoint.latitude longitude:((Store*)obj2).geoPoint.longitude];
//Creating "dist1"(float) and setting its value to the distance between "location1"(CLLocation) and the user's location
float dist1 =[location1 distanceFromLocation:self.locationManager.location];
//Creating "dist2"(float) and setting its value to the distance between "location2"(CLLocation) and the user's location
float dist2 = [location2 distanceFromLocation:self.locationManager.location];
//If the distances are equal - the order will stay the same
if (dist1 == dist2) {
return NSOrderedSame;
else if (dist1 < dist2) { //If "dist1"(float) is smaller than "dist2"(float) - "dist2"(float) will be before "dist1" in the array
return NSOrderedAscending;
else { //else - "dist2"(float) will be before "dist1" in the array
return NSOrderedDescending;
//If "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray) is nil
if (self.twentyClosestStores==nil) {
//Initializing "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
self.twentyClosestStores=[NSMutableArray array];
//If "previousTwentyStores"(NSMutableArray) is nil
if (self.previousTwentyStores==nil) {
//Initializing "previousTwentyStores"(NSMutableArray)
self.previousTwentyStores=[NSMutableArray array];
//Setting "previousTwentyStores"(NSMutableArray) to "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
//Cleaning (reInitializing) "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
self.twentyClosestStores=[NSMutableArray array];
//Adding indexes 0-19 of "allStores"(NSMutableArray) (20 closest stores to the user's current location) to "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
[self.twentyClosestStores addObject:[self.allStores objectAtIndex:i]];
#pragma mark - Start/stop monitoring methods
//For updating monitoring
//If "allStores"(NSMutableArray) isn't nil
if (self.allStores!=nil) {
//Finding the 20 closest stores to he user's location and adding it to "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
[self sortClosestStores];
//Stop monitoring "previousTwentyStores"(NSMutableArray) (20 closest stores before user's location updated)
[self stopMonitoringStores];
//Start monitoring "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
[self startMonitoringClosestStores];
//Start monitoring "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)
//If monitoring isn't availible for "CLCircularRegion"
if (![CLLocationManager isMonitoringAvailableForClass:[CLCircularRegion class]]) {
NSLog(@"Monitoring is not available for CLCircularRegion class");
//Run on all "twentyClosestStores"(NSMutableArray)'s objects
for (Store *currentStore in self.twentyClosestStores) {
//Creating "region"(CLCircularRegion) and setting it to "currentStore"(Store)'s circular region
CLCircularRegion *region=[currentStore createCircularRegion];
//Start monitoring "region"(CLCircularRegion)
[self.locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:region];
//Stop monitoring "previousTwentyStores"(NSMutableArray) (20 closest stores before user's location updated)
//Run on all "previousTwentyStores"(NSMutableArray)'s objects
for (Store *currentStore in self.previousTwentyStores) {
//Creating "region"(CLCircularRegion) and setting it to "currentStore"(Store)'s circular region
CLCircularRegion *region=[currentStore createCircularRegion];
//Stop monitoring "region"(CLCircularRegion)
[self.locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:region];
//Finding a store for region
//Creating "latitude"(CGFloat) and "longtitude"(CGFloat) and setting it to "region"(CLCircularRegion)'s center.latitude/longtitude
//Run on all "allStores"(NSMutableArray)'s objects
for (Store *currentStore in self.allStores) {
//If "currentStore"(Store)'s latitude and longtitude is equal to "latitude"(CGFloat) and longtitude(CGFloat)
if (currentStore.geoPoint.latitude==latitude&¤tStore.geoPoint.longitude==longtitude) {
//Returning "currentStore"(Store)
return currentStore;
//Store not found - returning nil
NSLog(@"No store found for this region: %@",[region description]);
return nil;
//Creating and returning a "CLCircularRegion" object of the store
//Creating "region"(CLCircularRegion) and initializing it with current store information (self) and radios of 200m
CLCircularRegion *region=[[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:self.geoPoint radius:200 identifier:self.identifier];
//Setting "region"(CLCircularRegion)'s notifyOnEntry to YES
//Returning "region"(CLCircularRegion)
return region;
Nota: Os métodos delegados estão sendo chamados, mesmodidEnterRegion:
mas nem sempre por algum motivo.
Resolveu o problema:
(Decidi não usar o monitoramento da região e fazer isso sozinho)
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray<CLLocation *> *)locations
[self checkIfNearStore]; //Not being called in background
for (Store *currentStore in self.allStores) {
if ([currentStore.circularRegion containsCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate]&¤tStore.alreadySendNotification==NO) {
NSLog(@"Entered: %@",[[self storeForRegion:currentStore.circularRegion] address]);
[self.storesAlreadySentNotifications addObject:currentStore];
for (Store *currentStore in self.storesAlreadySentNotifications) {
if (![currentStore.circularRegion containsCoordinate:self.locationManager.location.coordinate]) {
Muito obrigado!