O alinhamento da estrutura CUDA está diminuindo a velocidade do meu código (exemplo compilável)

Eu tenho uma simulação que calcula os vetores 3D de partículas carregadas que se deslocam em um campo elétrico e magnético.Tentei acelerar isso no CUDA usando o__align__ especificador, pensando que talvez o fator limitante fosse a leitura e a escrita da memória global,mas usando__align__ acabou atrasando-o (talvez porque tenha aumentado o requisito total de memória). Eu também tentei usarfloat3 efloat4 mas o desempenho deles foi semelhante

Criei uma versão simplificada desse código e colei abaixo para mostrar meu problema.O código abaixo deve ser compilável e alterando a definição deCASE na quarta linha para0, 1ou2, as diferentes opções que descrevi acima podem ser tentadas. Duas funções,ParticleMoverCPU eParticleMoverGPU são definidos para comparar o desempenho da CPU versus GPU.

Existe uma razão para que minhas tentativas de coalescência de memória estejam diminuindo, em vez de acelerar meu código?Existe algo mais óbvio imediatamente que eu não estou fazendo o que eu poderia fazer para melhorar do que uma aceleração de 60x para um código "embaraçosamente paralelo" como esse?


CPU - Intel Xeon E5620 a 2.40GHz

GPU - NVIDIA Tesla C2070

// CASE 0: Regular struct with 3 floats
// CASE 1: Aligned struct using __align__(16) with 3 floats
// CASE 2: float3
#define CASE        0   // define to either 0, 1 or 2 as described above

#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <Windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define CEX         10  // x-value of electric field (dimensionless and arbitrary)
#define CEY         0.1 // y-value of electric field (dimensionless and arbitrary)
#define CEZ         0.1 // z-value of electric field (dimensionless and arbitrary)
#define CBX         0.1 // x-value of magnetic field (dimensionless and arbitrary)
#define CBY         0.1 // x-value of magnetic field (dimensionless and arbitrary)
#define CBZ         10  // x-value of magnetic field (dimensionless and arbitrary)

#define FACTOR      15  // I played around with these numbers until I got the best speedup
#define THREADS     256 // I played around with these numbers until I got the best speedup

typedef struct{
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} VecCPU;           //Struct for vectors for CPU calculation

// Fastest method seems to be a regular unaligned struct with 3 floats
#if CASE==0
typedef struct {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} VecGPU;

#if CASE==1
// This method seems to be less fast.  It is an attempt to align for memory coalescence
typedef struct __align__(16){
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} VecGPU;

// Using float3 seems to be about the same as defining our own vector3 structure
#if CASE==2
typedef float3 VecGPU;

VecCPU *pos_c, *vel_c;                  // global position and velocity vectors for CPU calculation
__constant__ VecGPU *pos_d, *vel_d;     // pointers in constant memory which we will point to data in global memory

void ParticleMoverCPU(int np, int ts, float dt){

    int n = 0;
    while (n < np){

        VecCPU vminus, tvec, vprime, vplus;
        float tvec_fact;
        int it = 0;
        while (it < ts){
            // ----- Update velocities by the Boris method ------ //
            vminus.x = vel_c[n].x + CEX*0.5*dt;
            vminus.y = vel_c[n].y + CEY*0.5*dt;
            vminus.z = vel_c[n].z + CEZ*0.5*dt;
            tvec.x = CBX*0.5*dt;
            tvec.y = CBY*0.5*dt;
            tvec.z = CBZ*0.5*dt;
            tvec_fact = 2 / (1 + tvec.x*tvec.x + tvec.y*tvec.y + tvec.z*tvec.z);
            vprime.x = vminus.x + vminus.y*tvec.z - vminus.z*tvec.y;
            vprime.y = vminus.y + vminus.z*tvec.x - vminus.x*tvec.z;
            vprime.z = vminus.z + vminus.x*tvec.y - vminus.y*tvec.x;
            vplus.x = vminus.x + (vprime.y*tvec.z - vprime.z*tvec.y)*tvec_fact;
            vplus.y = vminus.y + (vprime.z*tvec.x - vprime.x*tvec.z)*tvec_fact;
            vplus.z = vminus.z + (v,prime.x*tvec.y - vprime.y*tvec.x)*tvec_fact;
            vel_c[n].x = vplus.x + CEX*0.5*dt;
            vel_c[n].y = vplus.y + CEY*0.5*dt;
            vel_c[n].z = vplus.z + CEZ*0.5*dt;

            // ------ Update Particle positions -------------- //
            pos_c[n].x += vel_c[n].x*dt;
            pos_c[n].y += vel_c[n].y*dt;
            pos_c[n].z += vel_c[n].z*dt;

__global__ void ParticleMoverGPU(register int np,register int ts, register float dt){

    register int n = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
    while (n < np){

        register VecGPU vminus, tvec, vprime, vplus;// , vtemp;
        register float tvec_fact;
        register int it = 0;
        while (it < ts){
            // ----- Update velocities by the Boris method ------ //
            vminus.x = vel_d[n].x + CEX*0.5*dt;
            vminus.y = vel_d[n].y + CEY*0.5*dt;
            vminus.z = vel_d[n].z + CEZ*0.5*dt;
            tvec.x = CBX*0.5*dt;
            tvec.y = CBY*0.5*dt;
            tvec.z = CBZ*0.5*dt;
            tvec_fact = 2 / (1 + tvec.x*tvec.x + tvec.y*tvec.y + tvec.z*tvec.z);
            vprime.x = vminus.x + vminus.y*tvec.z - vminus.z*tvec.y;
            vprime.y = vminus.y + vminus.z*tvec.x - vminus.x*tvec.z;
            vprime.z = vminus.z + vminus.x*tvec.y - vminus.y*tvec.x;
            vplus.x = vminus.x + (vprime.y*tvec.z - vprime.z*tvec.y)*tvec_fact;
            vplus.y = vminus.y + (vprime.z*tvec.x - vprime.x*tvec.z)*tvec_fact;
            vplus.z = vminus.z + (vprime.x*tvec.y - vprime.y*tvec.x)*tvec_fact;
            vel_d[n].x = vplus.x + CEX*0.5*dt;
            vel_d[n].y = vplus.y + CEY*0.5*dt;
            vel_d[n].z = vplus.z + CEZ*0.5*dt;
            // ------ Update Particle positions -------------- //
            pos_d[n].x += vel_d[n].x*dt;
            pos_d[n].y += vel_d[n].y*dt;
            pos_d[n].z += vel_d[n].z*dt;
        n += blockDim.x*gridDim.x;

int main(void){

    int np = 50000;                                         // Number of Particles
    const int ts = 1000;                                    // Number of Time-steps
    const float dt = 1E-3;                                  // Time-step value

    // ----------- CPU ----------- //

    pos_c = (VecCPU*)malloc(sizeof(VecCPU)*np);             // allocate memory for position
    vel_c = (VecCPU*)malloc(sizeof(VecCPU)*np);             // allocate memory for velocity

    for (int n = 0; n < np; n++){
        pos_c[n].x = 0; pos_c[n].y = 0; pos_c[n].z = 0;     // zero out position for CPU variables
        vel_c[n].x = 0; vel_c[n].y = 0; vel_c[n].z = 0;     // zero out velocity for CPU variables

    printf("Starting CPU kernel\n");
    clock_t startCPU;
    float CPUtime;
    startCPU = clock();
    ParticleMoverCPU(np, ts, dt);                           // Launch CPU kernel
    CPUtime = ((float)(clock() - startCPU)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("CPU kernel finished\n");
    // Ouput final CPU computation time
    printf("CPUtime = %6.1f ms\n", ((float)CPUtime)*1E3);

    // ------------ GPU ----------- //

    cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(ParticleMoverGPU, cudaFuncCachePreferL1);    //Set memory preference to L1 (doesn't have much effect)
    cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
    cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, 0);
    int blocks = deviceProp.multiProcessorCount;

    VecGPU *pos_g, *vel_g, *pos_l, *vel_l;

    pos_g = (VecGPU*)malloc(sizeof(VecGPU)*np);         // allocate memory for positions on the CPU
    vel_g = (VecGPU*)malloc(sizeof(VecGPU)*np);         // allocate memory for velocities on the CPU

    cudaMalloc((void**)&pos_l, sizeof(VecGPU)*np);      // allocate memory for positions on the GPU
    cudaMalloc((void**)&vel_l, sizeof(VecGPU)*np);      // allocate memory for velocities on the GPU

    cudaMemcpyToSymbol(pos_d, &pos_l, sizeof(void*));   // copy memory address of position to the constant memory pointer pos_d
    cudaMemcpyToSymbol(vel_d, &vel_l, sizeof(void*));   // copy memory address of velocity to the constant memory pointer vel_d

    for (int n = 0; n < np; n++){
        pos_g[n].x = 0; pos_g[n].y = 0; pos_g[n].z = 0; // zero out position for GPU variables (before copying to GPU)
        vel_g[n].x = 0; vel_g[n].y = 0; vel_g[n].z = 0; // zero out velocity for GPU variables (before copying to GPU)

    cudaMemcpy(pos_l, pos_g, sizeof(VecGPU)*np, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);    // Copy positions to GPU global memory
    cudaMemcpy(vel_l, vel_g, sizeof(VecGPU)*np, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);    // Copy velocities to GPU global memory

    printf("Starting GPU kernel\n");
    // start cuda timer
    cudaEvent_t start, stop;
    cudaEventRecord(start, 0);

    ParticleMoverGPU <<<blocks*FACTOR, THREADS >>>(np, ts, dt);             // Launch GPU kernel

    //stop cuda timer
    cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
    float elapsedTime;
    cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsedTime, start, stop);
    printf("GPU kernel finished\n");

    cudaMemcpy(pos_g, pos_l, sizeof(VecGPU)*np, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);    // Copy positions from GPU memory back to CPU
    cudaMemcpy(vel_g, vel_l, sizeof(VecGPU)*np, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);    // Copy velocities from GPU memory back to CPU

    // Ouput GPU computation time
    printf("GPUtime = %6.1f ms\n", elapsedTime);

    // Output speedup factor
    printf("CASE=%i, Speedup = %4.2f\n",CASE, CPUtime*1E3 / elapsedTime);

    // free allocated memory

ParaCASE 0 (estrutura vetorial regular) eu recebo:

CPUtime = 1302.0 ms
GPUtime =   21.8 ms
Speedup = 59.79

ParaCASE 1 (__align__(16) estrutura do vetor) recebo:

CPUtime = 1298.0 ms
GPUtime =   24.5 ms
Speedup = 53.08

ParaCASE 2 (usandofloat3) Eu recebo:

CPUtime = 1305.0 ms
GPUtime =   21.8 ms
Speedup = 59.80

Se eu usarfloat4 ao invés defloat3 Eu recebo algo semelhante ao__align__(16) método.


