Filtre o mapa para uma linha por múltiplos de dez, com base na diferença na ordem decrescente em java

Eu tenho um método através do qual eu posso filtrar linhas por múltiplos de dez, isto é, eu posso filtrar linhas que são as mais próximas de dezenas, como 10,20,30 etc em ordem crescente. Agora eu quero fazer o mesmo processo em ordem decrescente.

Consulte o seguinte link-Filtrar matriz para uma linha por múltiplo de dez, com base na diferença?

No link acima mencionado, o mesmo processo é feito em ordem crescente, eu quero fazer isso em ordem decrescente e armazenar os valores no mapa. Mas eu não sou capaz de fazer.

Estou usando o código a seguir para recuperar linhas em que beam_current é múltiplo de dez em uma ordem crescente-

public static  LinkedHashMap<Double, String> ClosestToMultiplesOfTen_User() throws SQLException {

    int row_id ;
    int bIdx = 0;
    double[] vals = new double[34];
   // double[] bucket =new double[bucketCount];
    int rowIndex = 0 ;
    int i=0;

              con = getConnection();
              stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
           //   String sql="select logtime,beam_current from INDUS2_BDS.dbo.DCCT where logtime between '"+name+" 00:00:00' and '"+name+" 23:59:59'"+
            //  "and (beam_current like '%9.96' or beam_current like '%9.97' or beam_current like '%9.98' or  beam_current like '%9.99'  or beam_current like '%0' or beam_current like '%_0.01' or beam_current like '%_0.02' or beam_current like '%_0.03' or beam_current like '%_0.04' or beam_current like '%_0.05' or beam_current like '%_0.06') and beam_energy between '550' and '552'";

              String sql="select logtime,beam_current from INDUS2_BDS.dbo.DCCT where logtime between '2014-10-10 08:50:00' and '2014-10-10 12:50:00'"+
                      "and (beam_current like '%9.96' or beam_current like '%9.97' or beam_current like '%9.98' or  beam_current like '%9.99'  or beam_current like '%0' or beam_current like '%_0.01' or beam_current like '%_0.02' or beam_current like '%_0.03' or beam_current like '%_0.04' or beam_current like '%_0.05' or beam_current like '%_0.06')";

              System.out.println("Value of sql of ClosestToMultiplesOfTen_User is"+sql);
              rs = stmt.getResultSet();
           for(int j=0; j<1; j++)
               vals[i]  = rs.getDouble(2);
     catch( Exception e )
            System.out.println("\nException "+e);
    //  get the max value, and its multiple of ten to get the number of buckets
    double max = java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (double v : vals) max = Math.max(max, v);
    int bucketCount = 1 + (int)(max/10);
    double[] bucket =new double[bucketCount];

    //  initialise the buckets array to store the closest values
   double[][] buckets = new double[bucketCount][3];
 for (int i1 = 0; i1 < bucketCount; i1++){
        // store the current smallest delta in the first element
        buckets[i1][0] = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE; 
        // store the current "closest" index in the second element
        buckets[i1][1] = -1d;
        // store the current "closest" value in the third element
        buckets[i1][2] = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;

    //  iterate the rows
    for (row_id=1 ; row_id < vals.length; row_id++)
        //  get the value from the row
        double v = vals[row_id];
        //  get the closest multiple of ten to v
        double mult = getMultipleOfTen(v);
        //  get the absolute distance of v from the multiple of ten
        double delta = Math.abs(mult - v);
        //  get the bucket index based on the value of `mult`
       bIdx = (int)(mult / 10d);
      // System.out.println("value of bidx for bucket index is"+bIdx);
        //    test the last known "smallest delta" for this bucket
        if (buckets[bIdx][0] > delta)
         //  this is closer than the last known "smallest delta"
          buckets[bIdx][0] = delta;
          buckets[bIdx][1] = row_id;
          buckets[bIdx][2] = v;

   //   print out the result
 for (int i1 =1; i1 <buckets.length; i1++)
         bucket = buckets[i1];
         rowIndex = (int) bucket[1];
         int row_no=rowIndex+1;
         double rowValue = bucket[2];
         System.out.println("row index "+row_no+ "value is "+rowValue);
         DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); 

        // map1.put(rs.getString(2),(rs.getString(1)));
System.out.println("user_current_map "+user_current_map);

return user_current_map;

public static  double getMultipleOfTen(double v)
     System.out.println(10d * Math.round(v / 10d));
    return 10d * Math.round(v / 10d);

Agora eu só quero reverter a ordem, ou seja, agora quero a ordem decrescente da corrente de feixe, ou seja 210,22,190 etc.