Como executo threads paralelos de computação em uma matriz particionada?

Estou tentando distribuir uma matriz entre threads e fazer com que os threads resumam partes da matriz em paralelo. Eu quero que o thread 0 some os elementos 0 1 2 e o Thread 1 some elementos 3 4 5. Thread 2 para somar 6 e 7. e Thread 3 para somar 8 e 9.

Eu sou novo no Rust, mas já codifiquei com C / C ++ / Java antes. Joguei literalmente tudo e o coletor de lixo neste programa e esperava receber algumas orientações.

Desculpe, meu código está incorreto, mas eu o limparei quando for um produto acabado. Por favor, ignore todas as variáveis mal nomeadas / espaçamento inconsistente / etc.

use std::io;
use std::rand;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread::Thread;

static NTHREADS: usize = 4;
static NPROCS: usize = 10;

fn main() {
    let mut a = [0; 10]; // a: [i32; 10]
    let mut endpoint = a.len() / NTHREADS;
    let mut remElements = a.len() % NTHREADS;

    for x in 0..a.len() {
        let secret_number = (rand::random::<i32>() % 100) + 1;
        a[x] = secret_number;
        println!("{}", a[x]);
    let mut b = a;
    let mut x = 0;

    check_sum(&mut a);
    // serial_sum(&mut b);

    // Channels have two endpoints: the `Sender<T>` and the `Receiver<T>`,
    // where `T` is the type of the message to be transferred
    // (type annotation is superfluous)
    let (tx, rx): (Sender<i32>, Receiver<i32>) = mpsc::channel();
    let mut scale: usize = 0;

    for id in 0..NTHREADS {
        // The sender endpoint can be copied
        let thread_tx = tx.clone();
        // Each thread will send its id via the channel

        Thread::spawn(move || {
            // The thread takes ownership over `thread_tx`
            // Each thread queues a message in the channel
            let numTougherThreads: usize = NPROCS % NTHREADS;
            let numTasksPerThread: usize = NPROCS / NTHREADS;
            let mut lsum = 0;

            if id < numTougherThreads {
                let mut q = numTasksPerThread+1;
                lsum = 0;

                while q > 0 {
                    lsum = lsum + a[scale];
                    q = q-1;
                println!("Less than numToughThreads lsum: {}", lsum);
            if id >= numTougherThreads {
                let mut z = numTasksPerThread;
                lsum = 0;

                while z > 0 {
                    lsum = lsum + a[scale];
                    scale +=1;
                    z = z-1;
                println!("Greater than numToughthreads lsum: {}", lsum);
            // Sending is a non-blocking operation, the thread will continue
            // immediately after sending its message
            println!("thread {} finished", id);

    // Here, all the messages are collected
    let mut globalSum = 0;
    let mut ids = Vec::with_capacity(NTHREADS);
    for _ in 0..NTHREADS {
        // The `recv` method picks a message from the channel
        // `recv` will block the current thread if there no messages      available
    println!("Global Sum: {}", globalSum);
    // Show the order in which the messages were sent

    println!("ids: {:?}", ids);

fn check_sum (arr: &mut [i32]) {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut size = arr.len();
    loop {
        sum += arr[i];
        if i == size { break; }
    println!("CheckSum is {}", sum);

Até agora, consegui fazer isso tanto. Não é possível descobrir por que os threads 0 e 1 têm a mesma soma, assim como 2 e 3 fazendo a mesma coisa:

 CheckSum is -91
 Greater than numTough lsum: -54
 thread 2 finished
 Less than numTough lsum: -86
 thread 1 finished
 Less than numTough lsum: -86
 thread 0 finished
 Greater than numTough lsum: -54
 thread 3 finished
 Global Sum: 0
 ids: [Ok(-86), Ok(-86), Ok(-54), Ok(-54)]

Consegui reescrevê-lo para trabalhar com números pares usando o código abaixo.

    while q > 0 {
        if id*s+scale == a.len() { break; }
        lsum = lsum + a[id*s+scale];
        scale +=1;
        q = q-1;
    println!("Less than numToughThreads lsum: {}", lsum);
if id >= numTougherThreads {
    let mut z = numTasksPerThread;
    lsum = 0;
    let mut scale = 0;

    while z > 0 {
        if id*numTasksPerThread+scale == a.len() { break; }
        lsum = lsum + a[id*numTasksPerThread+scale];
        scale = scale + 1;
        z = z-1;

