Como subclassificar NSOperation no Swift para enfileirar objetos SKAction para execução serial?

Roubar forneceuuma ótima solução Objective-C para subclassificar NSOperation para obter um mecanismo de enfileiramento serial para objetos SKAction. Eu implementei isso com sucesso em meu próprio projeto Swift.

import SpriteKit

class ActionOperation : NSOperation
    let _node: SKNode // The sprite node on which an action is to be performed
    let _action: SKAction // The action to perform on the sprite node
    var _finished = false // Our read-write mirror of the super's read-only finished property
    var _executing = false // Our read-write mirror of the super's read-only executing property

    /// Override read-only superclass property as read-write.
    override var executing: Bool {
        get { return _executing }
        set {
            _executing = newValue

    /// Override read-only superclass property as read-write.
    override var finished: Bool {
        get { return _finished }
        set {
            _finished = newValue

    /// Save off node and associated action for when it's time to run the action via start().
    init(node: SKNode, action: SKAction) {

    // This is equiv to ObjC:
    // - (instancetype)initWithNode(SKNode *)node (SKAction *)action
    // See "Exposing Swift Interfaces in Objective-C" at

        _node = node
        _action = action

    /// Add the node action to the main operation queue.
    override func start()
        if cancelled {
            finished = true

        executing = true

        NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
            self._node.runAction(self._action) {
                self.executing = false
                self.finished = true

Para usar o ActionOperation, instancie um membro da classe NSOperationQueue na sua classe cliente:

var operationQueue = NSOperationQueue()

Adicione esta linha importante ao seu método init:

operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1; // disallow follow actions from overlapping one another

E então, quando você estiver pronto para adicionar SKActions a ele, eles serão executados em série:

operationQueue.addOperation(ActionOperation(node: mySKNode, action: mySKAction))

Se você precisar finalizar as ações a qualquer momento:

operationQueue.cancelAllOperations() // this renders the queue unusable; you will need to recreate it if needing to queue anymore actions

Espero que ajude!