Alguém pode me dizer por que essas funções não estão me dando um resultado em um espectro razoável?

O código completo que estou usando está listado abaixo, é suposto para simular um jogo de dados e imprimir os detalhes para o usuário e permitir a aposta, se o usuário desejar. Tudo funciona, exceto para o jogo de craps real. Em vez de fazer o loop apenas enquanto não houver um valor de verdade associado ao crapsResult, ele encontrará um valor real e uma string incompreensível de um único número negativo. Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.

int main()
    //Declare the user input variables
    int gamesPlayed = 0;
    char inputPrint = ' ';
    char isBetting = ' ';
    int startingBet = 0;

    //Declare the variables used by the program
    int endingBet = 0;
    int currentGame = 0;
    bool crapsResult;
    int gamesWon = 0;
    int gamesLost = 0;
    double percentWon = 0;
    bool detailPrint = false;

    //Prompt the user to input their variables
    cout << "Enter the number of games to be played: ";
    cin >> gamesPlayed;
    while(gamesPlayed < 1)
        cout << "   Error: must be greater than 0" << endl;
        cout << "Enter the number of games to be played: ";
        cin >> gamesPlayed;

    cout << "Do you wish to print details (Y/N): ";
    cin >> inputPrint;
    if(inputPrint == 'y' || inputPrint == 'Y')
        detailPrint = true;

    cout << "Do you wish to bet (Y/N): ";
    cin >> isBetting;

    if(isBetting == 'y' || isBetting == 'Y')
        cout << "Enter money to start betting with: ";
        cin >> startingBet;
        while(startingBet < 1)
            cout << "   Error: must be greater than 0" << endl;
            cout << "Enter the number of games to be played: ";
            cin >> gamesPlayed;
    //Seed the random number generator

    //Set a value for ending bet
    if(startingBet == 0)
        endingBet = 1;
        endingBet = startingBet;
    //Call playcraps to simulate the game for as many games as the user input
    for(currentGame = 1; currentGame <= gamesPlayed && endingBet > 0; currentGame += 1)
        crapsResult = NULL;
        crapsResult = playCraps(currentGame, detailPrint, isBetting, startingBet);
        if(crapsResult == true)
            gamesWon += 1;
            endingBet = betting(endingBet, crapsResult);
        if(crapsResult == false)
            gamesLost += 1;
            endingBet = betting(endingBet, crapsResult);
        if((isBetting == 'Y' || isBetting == 'y') && (detailPrint == true))
            cout << "Money left is $" << endingBet << endl;

    //Calculate the percentage of games won
    percentWon = (double(gamesWon) / double(currentGame-1)) * 100.0;

    //Print the results to the user
    if(isBetting == 'Y' || isBetting == 'y')
        cout << "Money at end of games is $" << endingBet << endl;
    cout << "The number of games played is " << currentGame - 1 << endl;
    cout << "The number of games won is " << gamesWon << endl;
    cout << "The number of games lost is " << gamesLost << endl;
    cout << "The percent of games won is " << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(3) << percentWon << endl;

//Simulates the roll of a single die and returns the result
int roll()
    int rollResult = 0;
    rollResult = rand() % 6 + 1;
    return rollResult;

//Calls roll twice and returns the sum of the two results
int roll2Dice()
    //Declare variables for this function
    int rollOne = 0;
    int rollTwo = 0;
    int rollSum = 0;

    //Find rollOne and rollTwo
    rollOne = roll();
    rollTwo = roll();

    //Find rollSum
    rollSum = rollOne + rollTwo;

    return rollSum;

bool playCraps(int currentGame, bool detailPrint, char isBetting, int startingBet)
    bool crapsResult = NULL;
    int currentGameStorage[100];
    int currentRoll = 1;
    int point = roll2Dice();
    int printingNumber = 0;
    currentGameStorage[0] = point;
    if(point == 7 || point == 11)
        crapsResult = true;
    else if(point == 2 || point == 3 || point == 12)
        crapsResult = false;
        crapsResult = NULL;
    while(crapsResult != true && crapsResult != false)
        currentGameStorage[currentRoll] = roll2Dice();
        if(currentGameStorage[currentRoll] == point)
            crapsResult = true;
        else if(currentGameStorage[currentRoll] == 7)
            crapsResult = false;
        currentRoll += 1;
    if(detailPrint == true)
        cout << "Game " << currentGame << ": ";
        for(printingNumber = 0; printingNumber <= currentRoll; printingNumber += 1)
            cout << currentGameStorage[printingNumber] << " ";
        if(crapsResult == true)
            cout << "win";
        else if(crapsResult == false)
            cout << "lose";
        cout << endl;
    return crapsResult;

int betting(int endingBet, bool crapsResult)
    if(crapsResult == true)
        endingBet += 1;
    else if(crapsResult == false)
        endingBet -= 1;
    return endingBet;

