Ligação de WPF filtrada ObservableCollection ICollectionView para Combobox

Eu quero filtrar um ObservableCollection para um subconjunto com base no tipo (digite AddPoint) e quer que ele seja ordenado crescente sem duplicatas. Minha classe base é ModelBase, com subclasses AddPoint, Time, Repeat, etc ... O ObservableCollection MotionSequenceCollection será preenchido com esses tipos em qualquer ordem e alguns serão duplicados.

Eu tentei várias vezes diferentes e mostrei abaixo na propriedade ICollectionView da qual eu tirei:Vincular subconjunto da coleção.


private ObservableCollection<ModelBase> _motionSequenceCollection = 
        new ObservableCollection<ModelBase>();

    public ObservableCollection<ModelBase> MotionSequenceCollection
            return _motionSequenceCollection;

            if (_motionSequenceCollection == value)

            var oldValue = _motionSequenceCollection;
            _motionSequenceCollection = value;

            // Update bindings, no broadcast

    public ICollectionView Location
             var location = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_motionSequenceCollection);

            //DOES NOT WORK.  PROBLEM: GetType() creates type of system.type() and AddPoint, which don't work.  Need a cast, or something??  
            // found at  The problem is that there is an error:
            //    Cannot apply operator '==' to operands of type 'System.Type' and 'MotionSeq.Model.AddPoint',
            //    candidates are:
            //          bool ==(System.Reflection.MemberInfo, System.Reflection.memberInfo) (in class MemberInfo)
            //          bool ==(System.type, System.Type) (in class Type)
            //location.Filter = p => (p as ModelBase).GetType() == AddPoint;

            //DOES NOT WORK.  PROBLEM: Affects the main collection and won't let TIME type added.
            //location.Filter = o1 => (o1 is AddPoint);

            //DOES NOT WORK.  PROBLEM: Sorts fine, but also sorts MotionSequenceCollection!!  What up w/ that!?  
            //location.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("AddPointClassName", ListSortDirection.Ascending));

            //DOES NOT WORK.  PROBLEM: MotionSequenceCollection does not update.
            //location.Filter = p => (p as ModelBase) == AddPoint;

            //DOES NOT WORK.  PROBLEM: Source is not instantiated(?) and exmaple from stackoverflow and not sure how that got there in the first place.
            //source.Filter = p => (p as ModelBase).GetType() == "AddPoint";
            //return source;

            return location;

