Menús contextuales de Windows Explorer con submenús que utilizan pywin32

Estoy intentando agregar algunas extensiones de shell usando python con íconos y un submenú, pero estoy luchando por llegar mucho más lejos que la demostración en pywin32. Parece que no puedo encontrar nada buscando en Google, tampoco.

Creo que necesito registrar un servidor de comunicaciones para poder cambiar las opciones en el submenú dependiendo de dónde se encuentra el archivo / carpeta con el botón derecho y el tipo de archivo, etc.

# A sample context menu handler.
# Adds a 'Hello from Python' menu entry to .py files.  When clicked, a
# simple message box is displayed.
# To demostrate:
# * Execute this script to register the context menu.
# * Open Windows Explorer, and browse to a directory with a .py file.
# * Right-Click on a .py file - locate and click on 'Hello from Python' on
#   the context menu.

import pythoncom
from import shell, shellcon
import win32gui
import win32con

class ShellExtension:
    _reg_progid_ = "Python.ShellExtension.ContextMenu"
    _reg_desc_ = "Python Sample Shell Extension (context menu)"
    _reg_clsid_ = "{CED0336C-C9EE-4a7f-8D7F-C660393C381F}"
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IShellExtInit, shell.IID_IContextMenu]
    _public_methods_ = shellcon.IContextMenu_Methods + shellcon.IShellExtInit_Methods

    def Initialize(self, folder, dataobj, hkey):
        print "Init", folder, dataobj, hkey
        self.dataobj = dataobj

    def QueryContextMenu(self, hMenu, indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags):
        print "QCM", hMenu, indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags
        # Query the items clicked on
        format_etc = win32con.CF_HDROP, None, 1, -1, pythoncom.TYMED_HGLOBAL
        sm = self.dataobj.GetData(format_etc)
        num_files = shell.DragQueryFile(sm.data_handle, -1)
        if num_files>1:
            msg = "&Hello from Python (with %d files selected)" % num_files
            fname = shell.DragQueryFile(sm.data_handle, 0)
            msg = "&Hello from Python (with '%s' selected)" % fname
        idCmd = idCmdFirst
        items = ['First Python content menu item!']
        if (uFlags & 0x000F) == shellcon.CMF_NORMAL: # Check == here, since CMF_NORMAL=0
            print "CMF_NORMAL..."
        elif uFlags & shellcon.CMF_VERBSONLY:
            print "CMF_VERBSONLY..."
            items.append(msg + " - shortcut")
        elif uFlags & shellcon.CMF_EXPLORE:
            print "CMF_EXPLORE..."
            items.append(msg + " - normal file, right-click in Explorer")
        elif uFlags & CMF_DEFAULTONLY:
            print "CMF_DEFAULTONLY...\r\n"
            print "** unknown flags", uFlags
        win32gui.InsertMenu(hMenu, indexMenu,
                            0, None)
        indexMenu += 1
        for item in items:
            win32gui.InsertMenu(hMenu, indexMenu,
                                idCmd, item)
            indexMenu += 1
            idCmd += 1

        win32gui.InsertMenu(hMenu, indexMenu,
                            0, None)
        indexMenu += 1
        return idCmd-idCmdFirst # Must return number of menu items we added.

    def InvokeCommand(self, ci):
        mask, hwnd, verb, params, dir, nShow, hotkey, hicon = ci
        win32gui.MessageBox(hwnd, "Hello", "Wow", win32con.MB_OK)

    def GetCommandString(self, cmd, typ):
        # If GetCommandString returns the same string for all items then
        # the shell seems to ignore all but one.  This is even true in
        # Win7 etc where there is no status bar (and hence this string seems
        # ignored)
        return "Hello from Python (cmd=%d)!!" % (cmd,)

def DllRegisterServer():
    import _winreg
    folder_key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
    folder_subkey = _winreg.CreateKey(folder_key, "ContextMenuHandlers")
    folder_subkey2 = _winreg.CreateKey(folder_subkey, "PythonSample")
    _winreg.SetValueEx(folder_subkey2, None, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ,

    file_key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
    file_subkey = _winreg.CreateKey(file_key, "ContextMenuHandlers")
    file_subkey2 = _winreg.CreateKey(file_subkey, "PythonSample")
    _winreg.SetValueEx(file_subkey2, None, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ,

    print ShellExtension._reg_desc_, "registration complete."

def DllUnregisterServer():
    import _winreg
        folder_key = _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,

        file_key = _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,

        "*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\PythonSample ")
    except WindowsError, details:
        import errno
        if details.errno != errno.ENOENT:
    print ShellExtension._reg_desc_, "unregistration complete."

if __name__=='__main__':
    from win32com.server import register
                   finalize_register = DllRegisterServer,
                   finalize_unregister = DllUnregisterServer)