Optimizing Python Code Using SQLite3 + Mutagen

Estoy en el proceso de mejorar una base de datos de música de código abierto, que lee canciones de mi colección y las almacena en una base de datos SQLite. A su vez, puedo aprovechar la base de datos para encontrar duplicados, ejecutar consultas en mi colección y (si así lo deseo) encontrar canciones duplicadas en la colección. Para leer los metadatos de los archivos de música, aprovecho elMutagen biblioteca, y para almacenar los metadatos, estoy usando SQLite3.

Quería probar el código que había escrito en una colección considerable, así que me puse en contacto con otros estudiantes y familiares, y encontré un tamaño de prueba total de aproximadamente 90,000. Esto también consiste en información mixta: las canciones son de formato .mp3, .ogg o .flac.

Mi problema principal es con la velocidad: el código que tengo funciona, pero es demasiado lento. En su estado actual, recorre el tamaño de prueba en aproximadamente 35: 45. Mi pregunta principal: ¿Qué puedo hacer para mejorar el rendimiento de este bloque de código? Creo que está relacionado directamente con algo dentro de Mutagen directamente o SQLite3, aunque estoy abierto a sugerencias sobre cuál sería un enfoque ideal para mejorar la eficiencia desde aquí.

He pasado por dos iteraciones para mejorar esta parte crítica del código. La primera mejora condujo a un tiempo de ejecución reducido de 21: 30, pero eso sigue siendo horrible. Decidí refactorizar el código para reducir la cantidad de llamadas a funciones realizadas y un intento de mejorar el rendimiento. El resultado, sin embargo, es una regresión del rendimiento, pero unaenorm reducción en el número de llamadas a funciones realizadas: el segundo lote se ejecuta por cerca de 51: 51, que es simplemente inaceptable.

Lo que sigue en términos de código es tanto para el tiempo de ejecución "mejorado" como para el conjunto refactorizado. También se adjuntan perfiles separados para cada pieza de código.

Bloque 1: Tiempo de ejecución "mejorado"
def walk(self, d):
    '''Walk down the file structure iteratively, gathering file names to be read in.'''
    d = os.path.abspath(d)
    dirpath = os.walk(d)
    for folder in dirpath:
        for f in folder[2]: # for each file in the folder...
            supported = 'mp3', 'ogg', 'flac'
            if f.split('.')[-1] in supported:
                    self.parse(os.path.join(folder[0], f))
     ,               if self.filecount == 2000 or self.leftover:
                        self.filecount = 0
                            self.db.execute_batch_insert_statement(u"INSERT INTO song VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", self.buf)
                        except Exception, e:
                            print e.__unicode__()
                            del self.buf
                            self.buf = [] # wipe the buffers clean so we can repeat a batch parse again.
                except Exception, e:
                    print e.__unicode__()
        self.db.execute_batch_insert_statement(u"INSERT INTO song VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", self.buf)
    except Exception, e:
        print e.__unicode__()
        del self.buf
        self.buf = [] # wipe the buffers clean so we can repeat a batch parse again.

def parse(self, filename):
    '''Process and parse the music file to extract desired information.

    It may be the case that, in the future, we require more information from a song than is provided at this time.
    Examine all tags that can be retrieved from a mutagen.File object, and adjust the database's schema accordingly.'''

    if ".ogg" in filename:
        song = OggVorbis(filename)
    elif ".mp3" in filename:
        song = MP3(filename)
    elif ".flac" in filename:
        song = FLAC(filename)
        raise InvalidSongException(u"Song is not supported by K'atun at this time.")

    filename = u'filename'

    #song = mutagen.File(filename, easy=True)
    artist, title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year, month = '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
        artist = song['artist'][0]
        title = song['title'][0]
    except Exception:
        raise InvalidSongException(u"Cannot read " + filename + ": missing critical song information.")
    if 'genre' in song:
        genre = song['genre'][0]
        genre = u'Unknown'
    if 'tracknumber' in song:
        track = song['tracknumber'][0]
        track = 0
    if 'album' in song:
        album = song['album'][0]
        album = u'Unknown'
    if 'date' in song:
        year = song['date'][0]
        year = 'Unknown'
        bitrate = int(song.info.bitrate)
    except AttributeError: # Likely due to us messing with FLAC
        bitrate = 999999 # Set to a special flag value, to indicate that this is a lossless file.
    self.buf.append((filename, artist, filename.split('.')[-1], title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year, time.time()))
    self.filecount += 1

Sat Dec 24 21:24:23 2011    modified.dat

     70626027 function calls (70576436 primitive calls) in 1290.127 CPU seconds

Ordered by: cumulative time
List reduced from 666 to 28 due to restriction <28>

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    1    0.033    0.033 1290.127 1290.127 parser.py:6(<module>)
    1    0.000    0.000 1290.090 1290.090 parser.py:90(main)
    1    0.000    0.000 1286.493 1286.493 parser.py:24(__init__)
    1    1.826    1.826 1286.335 1286.335 parser.py:35(walk)
90744    2.376    0.000 1264.788    0.014 parser.py:55(parse)
90744   11.840    0.000 1250.401    0.014 lib/mutagen/__init__.py:158(File)
376019  613.881    0.002  613.881    0.002 {method 'seek' of 'file' objects}
90744    1.231    0.000  580.143    0.006 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/apev2.py:458(score)
671848  530.346    0.001  530.346    0.001 {method 'read' of 'file' objects}
90742    0.846    0.000  242.337    0.003 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/__init__.py:68(__init__)
63944    2.471    0.000  177.050    0.003 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:1973(load)
63944    0.526    0.000  119.326    0.002 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/easyid3.py:161(__init__)
63944    4.649    0.000  118.077    0.002 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:89(load)
26782    1.073    0.000   64.435    0.002 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/ogg.py:434(load)
127531    0.464    0.000   59.314    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:76(__fullread)
63944    1.078    0.000   54.060    0.001 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/mp3.py:68(__init__)
26782    0.638    0.000   53.613    0.002 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/ogg.py:379(find_last)
66487    3.167    0.000   50.136    0.001 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/mp3.py:106(__try)
855079    6.415    0.000   33.237    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:279(__read_frames)
816987    0.904    0.000   24.491    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:321(__load_framedata)
816987    2.805    0.000   23.587    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:1023(fromData)
60803/11257    0.370    0.000   19.036    0.002 /usr/lib/python2.7/os.py:209(walk)
11256   14.651    0.001   14.651    0.001 {posix.listdir}
816973    3.265    0.000   13.140    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:996(_readData)
879103    4.936    0.000   11.473    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:964(__init__)
872462    0.967    0.000   11.336    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/__init__.py:78(__getitem__)
63944    1.969    0.000   10.871    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:443(update_to_v24)
619380    1.396    0.000    8.521    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/easyid3.py:175(__getitem__)
Block 2: Código refactorizado
def walk(self, d):
    '''Walk down the file structure iteratively, gathering file names to be read in.'''
    d = os.path.abspath(d)
    dirpath = os.walk(d)
    parsecount = 0
    start = time.time()
    for folder in dirpath:
        for f in folder[2]: # for each file in the folder...
            filetype = f.split('.')[-1].lower()
            if filetype == 'mp3':
                    self.read_mp3(os.path.join(folder[0], f).decode('utf_8'))
                except Exception, e:
                    print e.__unicode__()
            elif filetype == 'ogg':
                    self.read_vorbis(os.path.join(folder[0], f).decode('utf_8'))
                except Exception, e:
                    print e.__unicode__()
            elif filetype == 'flac':
                    self.read_flac(os.path.join(folder[0], f).decode('utf_8'))
                except Exception, e:
                    print e.__unicode__()
            if self.filecount == 2000 or self.leftover:
                self.filecount = 0
                print "Time differential: %1.4f s" % (time.time() - start)
        print "Wrapping up"
    except Exception, e:
        print e.__unicode__()
        print "Elapsed time: " + str(time.time()-start)

def batch_commit(self):
    '''Insert new values into the database in large quantities.'''
    self.db.execute_batch_insert_statement(u"INSERT INTO song VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", self.buf)
    self.buf = []

def read_mp3(self, filename):
    '''Read and extract an MP3 file's tags.  This makes use of the ID3 standard, not the easy ID3 tag system.'''
    artist, title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year = '', '', '', '', '', 0, ''

    song = MP3(filename)
    keys = song.keys()
        artist = song['TPE1'].__unicode__()
        title = song['TIT2'].__unicode__()
    except KeyError, e:
        raise InvalidSongException(u"Cannot read " + filename + ": missing critical song information.")
    genre = song['TCON'].__unicode__() if "TCON" in keys else u'Unknown'
    track = song['TRCK'].__unicode__() if "TRCK" in keys else u'0'
    album = song['TALB'].__unicode__() if "TALB" in keys else u'Unknown'
    bitrate = int(song.info.bitrate)
    year = song['TDRC'].__unicode__() if "TDRC" in keys else u'Unknown'
    self.buf.append((filename, artist, filename.split('.')[-1], title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year, time.time()))
    self.filecount += 1

def read_vorbis(self, filename):
    '''Read and extract an Ogg Vorbis file's tags.'''
    song = OggVorbis(filename)
    artist, title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year = '', '', '', '', '', 0, ''
        artist = song['artist'][0]
        title = song['title'][0]
    except KeyError, e:
        raise InvalidSongException(u"Cannot read " + filename + ": missing critical song information.")
    genre = song['genre'][0] if genre else u'Unknown'
    track = song['tracknumber'][0] if 'tracknumber' in song else u'0'
    album = song['album'][0] if 'album' in song else u'Unknown'
    bitrate = int(song.info.bitrate)
    year = song['date'][0] if 'date' in song else 'Unknown'
    self.buf.append((filename, artist, filename.split('.')[-1], title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year, time.time()))
    self.filecount += 1

def read_flac(self, filename):
    '''Read and extract a FLAC file's tags.'''
    song = FLAC(filename)
    artist, title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year = '', '', '', '', '', 0, ''
        artist = song['artist'][0]
        title = song['title'][0]
    except KeyError, e:
        raise InvalidSongException(u"Cannot read " + filename + ": missing critical song information.")
    genre = song['genre'][0] if genre else u'Unknown'
    track = song['tracknumber'][0] if 'tracknumber' in song else u'0'
    album = song['album'][0] if 'album' in song else u'Unknown'
    bitrate = 999999 # Special flag for K'atun; will know that this is a lossless file
    year = song['date'][0] if 'date' in song else 'Unknown'
    self.buf.append((filename, artist, filename.split('.')[-1], title, genre, track, album, bitrate, year, time.time()))
    self.filecount += 1

Mon Dec 26 03:22:34 2011    refactored.dat

59939763 function calls (59890172 primitive calls) in 3111.490 CPU seconds

Ordered by: cumulative time
List reduced from 559 to 28 due to restriction <28>

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1    0.001    0.001 3111.490 3111.490 parser.py:6(<module>)
1    0.000    0.000 3111.477 3111.477 parser.py:138(main)
1    0.000    0.000 3108.242 3108.242 parser.py:27(__init__)
1    1.760    1.760 3108.062 3108.062 parser.py:40(walk)
46    0.103    0.002 2220.618   48.274 parser.py:78(batch_commit)
46    0.002    0.000 2220.515   48.272 db_backend.py:127(execute_batch_insert_statement)
46 2184.900   47.498 2184.900   47.498 {method 'executemany' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects}
90747    0.515    0.000  845.343    0.009 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/__init__.py:68(__init__)
426651  640.459    0.002  640.459    0.002 {method 'read' of 'file' objects}
63945    1.847    0.000  582.267    0.009 parser.py:83(read_mp3)
63945    2.372    0.000  577.245    0.009 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:1973(load)
63945    0.307    0.000  514.927    0.008 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:72(__init__)
63945    0.256    0.000  514.620    0.008 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/_util.py:103(__init__)
63945    0.225    0.000  514.363    0.008 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/__init__.py:35(__init__)
63945    4.188    0.000  514.139    0.008 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:89(load)
127533    0.802    0.000  455.713    0.004 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:76(__fullread)
63945    1.029    0.000  432.574    0.007 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:202(__load_header)
26786    0.504    0.000  270.216    0.010 parser.py:102(read_vorbis)
26786    1.095    0.000  267.578    0.010 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/ogg.py:434(load)
26782    0.627    0.000  143.492    0.005 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/ogg.py:379(find_last)
221337  121.448    0.001  121.448    0.001 {method 'seek' of 'file' objects}
97603    1.797    0.000  118.799    0.001 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/ogg.py:66(__init__)
26786    0.342    0.000  114.656    0.004 lib/mutagen/oggvorbis.py:40(__init__)
63945    0.646    0.000   58.809    0.001 lib/mutagen/mp3.py:68(__init__)
66480    3.377    0.000   57.489    0.001 lib/mutagen/mp3.py:106(__try)
47   35.609    0.758   35.609    0.758 {method 'commit' of 'sqlite3.Connection' objects}
855108    6.184    0.000   32.181    0.000 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mutagen/id3.py:279(__read_frames)
60803/11257    0.385    0.000   31.885    0.003 /usr/lib/python2.7/os.py:209(walk)