how para cambiar la variable global dentro de un scss mixin


//Declare a global variable and set it to red color
$fg-primary-text: red; 

//below @mixin is used in styles.scss to pass the custom-theme
@mixin cache-theme-colors($theme) {
   @include set-global-variables($theme);

//local mixin to set the global-variable from the $theme using !global flag
@mixin set-global-variables($theme: $theme, $fg-primary-text: $fg-primary-text) {
 $foreground: map-get($theme, foreground); //get foreground from the theme
 $fg-primary-text: mat-color($foreground, text) !global; //get the text color from the theme and set it here using the !global flag



@import "../../../../assets/themes/theme-variables.scss";

.text-color {
    color: $fg-primary-text;  //use the variable (but it is still red)

Pero el color sigue siendo rojo Mi pregunta es: cómo configurar la variable global en scss y cambiarla dentro de un mixin / function y usarla en cualquier componente.scss