Amazon Alexa Skill

Quiero hacerle a Alexa diferentes tipos de preguntas y luego, al final, quiero preguntar "¿Hay algo más que le gustaría saber?" y cuando digo que sí (donde sí es una sugerencia de trabajo) debería sugerirme de acuerdo con la intención en la que estoy. Como si estuviera en


    'InCityIntent': function () {
        speechOutput = '';

speechOutput = "The atmosphere in the city is beautiful. Is there anything else you would like to know";
        this.emit(":ask", speechOutput, speechOutput);

'YesIntent': function () {
        speechOutput = '';
/*when the user say yes, he should get this output*/  
            speechOutput = You can learn more about city by trying, alexa what are the best places in the city";
            this.emit(":tell",speechOutput, speechOutput);


    'FoodIntent': function () {
        speechOutput = '';

speechOutput = "Food in the city is delicious. Is there anything else you would like to know";
        this.emit(":ask", speechOutput, speechOutput);

'YesIntent': function () {
        speechOutput = '';
/*change in response here*/
            speechOutput = You can learn more about food by trying, alexa what are the best restaurants in the city";
            this.emit(":tell",speechOutput, speechOutput);