Problemas con UriMatcher de Android

En una respuesta a una pregunta anterior mía, alguien indicó que hay cierta fragilidad (por falta de una palabra mejor) inherente a la clase de Android UriMatcher. ¿Alguien puede identificar los problemas conocidos con UriMatcher? Estoy diseñando un proveedor de contenido que se basa en UriMatcher para que coincida con mi Uris correctamente (en lugar de incorrectamente, supongo). ¿Hay soluciones a los problemas conocidos? ¿O hay una mejor estrategia para emparejar a Uris?


Aquí está el código que configura mi UriMatcher

private static final int MEMBER_COLLECTION_URI = 1;
private static final int MEMBER_SINGLE_URI = 2;
private static final int SUBMATERIAL_COLLECTION_URI = 3;
private static final int SUBMATERIAL_SINGLE_URI = 4;
private static final int JOBNAME_COLLECTION_URI = 5;
private static final int JOBNAME_SINGLE_URI = 6;
private static final int ALL_MEMBERS_URI = 7;
private static final int ALL_SUBMATERIAL_URI = 8;

        //return the job and fab for anything matching the provided jobName
        // JobNames/jobName
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "JobNames/*/",
        //return a collection of members
        // jobName/member/attribute/value
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/member/*/*/",
        //return a single member
        // jobName/member/memberNumber
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/member/*/",
        //return a collection of submaterial
        // jobName/submaterial/attribute/value
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/submaterial/*/*",
        //return a single piece of submaterial
        // jobName/submaterial/GUID
        //GUID is the only way to uniquely identify a piece of submaterial    
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/submaterial/*",
        //Return everything in the member and submaterial tables
        //that has the provided attribute that matches the provided value
        // jobName/attribute/value
        //not currently used
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "JobNames/",
        //return all members in a job
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/members/",


Agregar otro Uri:

private static final int MEMBER_COLLECTION_URI = 1;
private static final int MEMBER_SINGLE_URI = 2;
private static final int SUBMATERIAL_COLLECTION_URI = 3;
private static final int SUBMATERIAL_SINGLE_URI = 4;
private static final int JOBNAME_COLLECTION_URI = 5;
private static final int JOBNAME_SINGLE_URI = 6;
private static final int ALL_MEMBERS_URI = 7;
private static final int ALL_SUBMATERIAL_URI = 8;
private static final int REVERSE_URI = 9;

        //return the job and fab for anything matching the provided jobName
        // JobNames/jobName
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "JobNames/*/",
        //return a collection of members
        // jobName/member/attribute/value
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/member/*/*/",
        //return a single member
        // jobName/member/memberNumber
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/member/*/",
        //return a collection of submaterial
        // jobName/submaterial/attribute/value
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/submaterial/*/*",
        //return a single piece of submaterial
        // jobName/submaterial/GUID
        //GUID is the only way to uniquely identify a piece of submaterial    
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/submaterial/*",
        //Return everything in the member and submaterial tables
        //that has the provided attribute that matches the provided value
        // jobName/attribute/value
        //not currently used
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "JobNames/",
        //return all members in a job
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/members/",
        uriMatcher.addURI(JobMetaData.AUTHORITY, "*/reverse/*",


Y el último Uri no se reconoce usando: uriMatcher.match (uri)

En la pregunta anterior (mencionada anteriormente), se recomendó mover el Uri infractor a la parte superior de las llamadas a UriMatcher.put (String, int). Eso resolvió el problema anterior (y me dejó con un mal sabor de boca). Intentar la misma solución con este código da como resultado que el primer Uri actual (JOBNAME_SINGLE_URI) no sea reconocido. Estoy bastante seguro de que el problema no está en mi código (he logrado crear un ContentProvider que funciona utilizando Uris y depurar todos los problemas con ellos antes de este problema), sino que es un problema con la coincidencia de Uri en Android .


public final static String AUTHORITY = "dsndata.sds2mobile.jobprovider";

Sample Uri:
content: //dsndata.sds2mobile.jobprovider/SDS2MobileDemo/reverse/C_