No se puede subíndice un valor de tipo '[UInt32]'

Tengo una matriz de números que se han generado aleatoriamente y luego estoy tratando de consultar Firebase para una pregunta que sea igual al valor en el índice [0] en la matriz de números elegidos. El problema en este momento es que recibo un errorCannot subscript a value of type '[UInt32]'. PD ¡No tengo mucha experiencia en Swift, por lo que las soluciones de código exactas serían muy apreciadas! También he adjuntado mi estructura de base de fuego ...

import UIKit
import Firebase

class QuestionViewController: UIViewController {

let ref = Firebase(url: "")

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // An empty array to hold the selected numbers
    var selectedNumbers: [UInt32] = []

    // A range of acceptable numbers
    let randomNumberRange = 1...10

    // How many numbers are needed?
    let randomNumbersToChoose = 10

    // Crash if asking for more numbers than are available in the range
    assert(randomNumberRange.count >= randomNumbersToChoose, "Must have enough numbers to choose from!")

    // Repeat this loop until all enough numbers have been selected
    while selectedNumbers.count < randomNumbersToChoose {

        // Pick a random number within the allowed range
        let selectedNumber = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(randomNumberRange.endIndex - randomNumberRange.startIndex)) + UInt32(randomNumberRange.startIndex)

        // If it's not already in the selected array, add it
        if (selectedNumbers.indexOf(selectedNumber) == nil) {

    // Print the result

        let selectedNumberIndex: UInt32 = 2
            .observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: {
                snapshot in
                //Do something with the question

@IBAction func truepressed(sender: AnyObject) {

@IBAction func falsePressed(sender: AnyObject) {


Datos JSON:

  "question1" : {
    "answer" : "Nohghpe",
    "question" : "Do you know swift",
    "value" : 1
  "question10" : {
    "answer" : "A fdsbit",
    "question" : "Do you kndfggow firebase",
    "value" : 10
  "question2" : {
    "answer" : "A bfhit",
    "question" : "Dodhfg you know firebase",
    "value" : 2
  "question3" : {
    "answer" : "A bsdit",
    "question" : "Do you know firebsgdfase",
    "value" : 3
  "question4" : {
    "answer" : "A vcxbit",
    "question" : "Do yosgfdu know firebase",
    "value" : 4
  "question5" : {
    "answer" : "A bivcxt",
    "question" : "Do you kfghnow firebase",
    "value" : 5
  "question6" : {
    "answer" : "A bxcvit",
    "question" : "Do you know fnhirebase",
    "value" : 6
  "question7" : {
    "answer" : "A bivxct",
    "question" : "Do you sgdfknow firebase",
    "value" : 7
  "question8" : {
    "answer" : "A bivcxt",
    "question" : "Do you knsfdow firebase",
    "value" : 8
  "question9" : {
    "answer" : "A bdsfit",
    "question" : "Do you kdfgnow ffsdirebase",
    "value" : 9

Respuestas a la pregunta(1)

Su respuesta a la pregunta