¿Por qué Python no se comporta como se esperaba cuando stdout y stdin se redirigen?

Intento redirigir en Windows el cmd.exe stdout & stdin (con CreateProcess ()). Funciona bien siempre que ejecute comandos simples o abra aplicaciones GUI, pero si intento ejecutar un software como python, ya no me da su salida (ni obtengo la entrada a través de stdin).

Ejemplo de código:

#include <windows.h> 
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>

using namespace std;

HANDLE child_input_read;
HANDLE child_input_write;
HANDLE child_output_read;
HANDLE child_output_write;

void writeToPipe()
	while (true)
		DWORD bytes_written;
		string msg;
		getline(cin, msg);
		msg += '\n';
		BOOL success = WriteFile(child_input_write, msg.c_str(), msg.size(), &bytes_written, NULL);
		if (!success)
void readFromPipe()
	while (true)
		DWORD bytes_read;
		char buffer[512];
		BOOL success = ReadFile(child_output_read, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, &bytes_read, NULL);
		buffer[bytes_read] = 0;
		if (!success)
		cout << buffer;
void createCmdProcess()
	STARTUPINFO startup_info;
	SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes;

	// Set the security attributes for the pipe handles created 
	security_attributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
	security_attributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
	security_attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
	CreatePipe(&child_output_read, &child_output_write, &security_attributes, 0);
	CreatePipe(&child_input_read, &child_input_write, &security_attributes, 0);

	// Create the child process
	ZeroMemory(&process_info, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
	ZeroMemory(&startup_info, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
	startup_info.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
	startup_info.hStdInput = child_input_read;
	startup_info.hStdOutput = child_output_write;
	startup_info.hStdError = child_output_write;
	startup_info.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
	CreateProcess(NULL, "cmd.exe", NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup_info, &process_info);

int main()
	thread t(writeToPipe);
	thread t2(readFromPipe);