Usando Pylint para mostrar errores y advertencias

Así que empecé a usar Pylint, pero ya que estoy usando pestañas en lugar de espacios, me está dando advertencias, también porque algunos métodos son de clase base, que también son como instancia de 'GalleryUi' no tiene miembro 'setModel' mientras que tiene QAbstractTableModel como clase base, entonces, ¿cómo configuro el Pylint para no tener en cuenta estas cosas ...

No config file found, using default configuration
************* Module
W:  7, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:  8, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C: 13, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C: 15, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W: 15, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 16, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 17, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 18, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 19, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 20, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 22, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 23, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 24, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 25, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 27, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 28, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C: 28, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W: 31, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 32, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 33, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 34, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 36, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 37, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C: 39, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W: 39, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 41, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 42, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 44, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 46, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 47, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 49, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 50, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 52, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 53, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 55, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 56, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 58, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 59, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 60, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 61, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 62, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 63, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 64, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 65, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 67, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 68, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 69, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 70, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 71, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 72, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 73, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 74, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 75, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 77, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 78, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 79, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 80, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 81, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 82, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 83, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 85, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 87, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 88, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 89, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 90, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 91, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C: 92, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W: 92, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 95, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W: 96, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C: 99, 0: Line too long (88/80) (line-too-long)
W: 99, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:101, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:102, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C:102, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W:105, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:106, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:107, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:108, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:109, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:111, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:112, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:113, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:114, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:115, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:116, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:117, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:120, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:123, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:124, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:125, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:126, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:127, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:128, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:129, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:131, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:132, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:135, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:136, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:137, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:138, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:139, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:140, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C:142, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
C:145, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W:145, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:146, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:147, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:148, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:149, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C:150, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W:150, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:152, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:153, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:154, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:155, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:156, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:157, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:159, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:160, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:161, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:162, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:164, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:165, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:168, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:169, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:173, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:174, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:175, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:175, 0: Unnecessary semicolon (unnecessary-semicolon)
W:176, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:178, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:179, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:180, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:181, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:182, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:185, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:186, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:188, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:189, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:189, 0: Unnecessary semicolon (unnecessary-semicolon)
W:190, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C:191, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W:191, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:193, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:195, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:196, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:199, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:200, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:201, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:202, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:203, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:204, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:205, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:206, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:209, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:211, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:212, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:213, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:214, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C:215, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
W:217, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:218, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:219, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
W:220, 0: Found indentation with tabs instead of spaces (mixed-indentation)
C:  1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
W:  3, 0: Relative import 'utils', should be 'python.utils' (relative-import)
F:  4, 0: Unable to import 'PyQt4' (import-error)
C: 17, 2: Invalid attribute name "_thumbRes" (invalid-name)
C: 16, 2: Invalid attribute name "_slideShowWin" (invalid-name)
C:  6, 0: Missing class docstring (missing-docstring)
R:  7, 1: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments)
C:  7, 1: Invalid argument name "thumbRes" (invalid-name)
C: 22, 1: Invalid method name "colData" (invalid-name)
C: 22, 1: Missing method docstring (missing-docstring)
W: 22,19: Unused argument 'section' (unused-argument)
W: 22,28: Unused argument 'orientation' (unused-argument)
R: 22, 1: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
C: 27, 1: Invalid method name "headerData" (invalid-name)
W: 27,22: Unused argument 'section' (unused-argument)
R: 27, 1: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
C: 36, 1: Invalid method name "rowCount" (invalid-name)
W: 36,20: Unused argument 'parent' (unused-argument)
C: 41, 1: Invalid method name "columnCount" (invalid-name)
W: 41,23: Unused argument 'parent' (unused-argument)
C: 62, 4: Invalid variable name "fileName" (invalid-name)
C: 71, 4: Invalid variable name "fileName" (invalid-name)
C: 74, 3: Invalid variable name "exifData" (invalid-name)
R: 46, 1: Too many return statements (9/6) (too-many-return-statements)
W: 95,17: Unused argument 'index' (unused-argument)
R: 95, 1: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
C:101, 1: Invalid method name "setData" (invalid-name)
C:109, 4: Invalid variable name "newName" (invalid-name)
W:113, 3: Access to a protected member _renameFile of a client class (protected-access)
E:115, 3: Instance of 'MyListModel' has no 'dataChanged' member (no-member)
R:119, 0: Too many instance attributes (8/7) (too-many-instance-attributes)
C:188, 2: Invalid attribute name "animGallery" (invalid-name)
C:128, 2: Invalid attribute name "__animRate" (invalid-name)
C:146, 2: Invalid attribute name "_twoDLst" (invalid-name)
C:125, 2: Invalid attribute name "_slideShowWin" (invalid-name)
E:123, 1: Use of super on an old style class (super-on-old-class)
C:123, 1: Invalid argument name "imgagesPathLst" (invalid-name)
C:131, 1: Invalid method name "setUpWindow" (invalid-name)
W:136,10: Access to a protected member _browseDir of a client class (protected-access)
E:140, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'setWindowFlags' member (no-member)
E:147, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'setGeometry' member (no-member)
E:148, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'showFullScreen' member (no-member)
E:149, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'setColumnWidth' member (no-member)
E:152, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'setShowGrid' member (no-member)
E:153, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'setWordWrap' member (no-member)
E:154, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'setModel' member (no-member)
E:155, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'resizeColumnsToContents' member (no-member)
E:156, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'resizeRowsToContents' member (no-member)
E:157, 2: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'selectionModel' member (no-member)
C:159, 1: Invalid method name "selChanged" (invalid-name)
C:159, 1: Missing method docstring (missing-docstring)
E:161, 9: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'selectionModel' member (no-member)
E:162,12: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'selectionModel' member (no-member)
C:168, 1: Invalid method name "animateUpSlideShow" (invalid-name)
C:185, 1: Invalid method name "animateUpGallery" (invalid-name)
C:195, 1: Invalid method name "keyPressEvent" (invalid-name)
E:203, 3: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'close' member (no-member)
W:174, 2: Attribute 'animation' defined outside __init__ (attribute-defined-outside-init)
W:188, 2: Attribute 'animGallery' defined outside __init__ (attribute-defined-outside-init)
W:146, 2: Attribute '_twoDLst' defined outside __init__ (attribute-defined-outside-init)
W:150, 2: Attribute '_lm' defined outside __init__ (attribute-defined-outside-init)
C:208, 0: Invalid argument name "imgLst" (invalid-name)
E:213, 1: Instance of 'GalleryUi' has no 'raise_' member (no-member)
C:217, 1: Invalid constant name "current_path" (invalid-name)
C:219, 2: Invalid constant name "current_path" (invalid-name)