Implementación RSA usando java

Estoy implementando RSA en Java. Encontré un código que se muestra a continuación que muestra texto sin formato en forma numérica después de descifrar el texto sin formato, pero lo quiero en inglés simple en el que ingresé. No quiero usar el java api.


import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;

public class TestRsa {

    private BigInteger p, q;
    private BigInteger n;
    private BigInteger PhiN;
    private BigInteger e, d;

    public TestRsa() {

    public void initialize() {
        int SIZE = 512;
        /* Step 1: Select two large prime numbers. Say p and q. */
        p = new BigInteger(SIZE, 15, new Random());
        q = new BigInteger(SIZE, 15, new Random());
        /* Step 2: Calculate n = p.q */
        n = p.multiply(q);
        /* Step 3: Calculate ø(n) = (p - 1).(q - 1) */
        PhiN = p.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1));
        PhiN = PhiN.multiply(q.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1)));
        /* Step 4: Find e such that gcd(e, ø(n)) = 1 ; 1 < e < ø(n) */
        do {
            e = new BigInteger(2 * SIZE, new Random());
        } while ((e.compareTo(PhiN) != 1)
                || (e.gcd(PhiN).compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(1)) != 0));
        /* Step 5: Calculate d such that e.d = 1 (mod ø(n)) */
        d = e.modInverse(PhiN);

    public BigInteger encrypt(BigInteger plaintext) {
        return plaintext.modPow(e, n);

    public BigInteger decrypt(BigInteger ciphertext) {
        return ciphertext.modPow(d, n);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        TestRsa app = new TestRsa();
        int plaintext;
        System.out.println("Enter any character : ");
        plaintext =;
        BigInteger bplaintext, bciphertext;
        bplaintext = BigInteger.valueOf((long) plaintext);
        bciphertext = app.encrypt(bplaintext);
        System.out.println("Plaintext : " + bplaintext.toString());
        System.out.println("Ciphertext : " + bciphertext.toString());
        bplaintext = app.decrypt(bciphertext);
        System.out.println("After Decryption Plaintext : "
                + bplaintext.toString());