Tabla de Oracle SQL PIVOT

Lo que tengo es una consulta, donde selecciono ubicaciones, conteos, etc. Aquí está mi consulta: Y, básicamente, estoy tratando de PIVOTAR las tablas que creo. He investigado el PIVOT y eso, pero no parece que haya una forma clara de hacerlo. Si alguna ayuda puede ser guiada sería muy apreciada.

Consulta actualizada para incluir tipo y sugerencia MT0

 WITH qry AS (
select Floor, 
Floor || '' || "Mod" || '' || Count_Type || '' ||  Location as "Unique"
select bin_level as Floor, bin_module as "Mod", icqa_process_properties.icqa_process_property_value as Count_Type, count(icqa_processes.icqa_process_id) as Remaining_Counts, 
CASE when bin_type_name = '14-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')  
     when bin_type_name = '18-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
     when bin_type_name = '24-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
     when bin_type_name = '30-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
     when bin_type_name = '34-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')  
     when bin_type_name = '48-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
     when bin_type_name = '48-KIVA-XL' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
     when bin_type_name = '78-KIVA-TALL' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
     when bin_type_name = 'PALLET-SINGLE' and usage = '1024' then ('KIVA-PALLET')  
     else 'NON-KIVA' end as Location
from icqa_process_locations
join bins on bins.bin_id = icqa_process_locations.scannable_id
inner join icqa_processes on icqa_processes.icqa_process_id = icqa_process_locations.icqa_process_id
inner join icqa_process_properties on icqa_processes.icqa_process_id = icqa_process_properties.icqa_process_id
--inner join icqa_count_attempts on icqa_count_attempts.icqa_count_attempt_id = icqa_process_locations.icqa_count_attempt_id
where icqa_process_locations.icqa_count_attempt_id is NULL 
     and icqa_processes.process_status = ('Active')     
     and icqa_process_properties.icqa_process_property_value in ('CycleCount', 'SimpleBinCount')
group by CASE when bin_type_name = '14-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')  
    when bin_type_name = '18-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
    when bin_type_name = '24-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
    when bin_type_name = '30-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
    when bin_type_name = '34-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')  
    when bin_type_name = '48-KIVA-DEEP' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
    when bin_type_name = '48-KIVA-XL' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
    when bin_type_name = '78-KIVA-TALL' then ('KIVA-SHELF')
    when bin_type_name = 'PALLET-SINGLE' and usage = '1024' then ('KIVA-PALLET')  
    else 'NON-KIVA' end, bin_level, bin_module, icqa_process_properties.icqa_process_property_value
order by icqa_process_properties.icqa_process_property_value, Location))
SELECT Count_Type || Location,
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-P-1A' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "P-1-A",
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-P-2A' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "P-2-A",
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-R-1T' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "R-1-T",
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-R-1F' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "R-1-F",
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-R-1O' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "R-1-O",
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-P-1B' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "P-1-B",
       SUM(CASE when "Mod" = 'dz-P-1D' THEN Remaining_Counts else 0 END ) AS "P-1-D"
FROM   qry
GROUP BY Count_Type || Location;

Y la salida es esta (CASI AHORA!):

Pero, está produciendo Zero's Cuando intenté agregar el tipo. Antes de agregar los tipos funcionó bien, pero es posible que haya perdido la sintaxis en algún lugar. Gracias.