Custom Woocommerce Payment Gateway für

Ich entwickle Square Connect Payment Gateway für Woocommerce.

Hier sind Gateway-Dokumente und Kreditkartenformulare, die ich für das Gateway einbetten kann.

https: //

Jetzt ist der Vorgang Zahlung per Rückgabe ohne Kreditkarte, mit der die Zahlung vom Kunden abgebucht wird.

Hier ist Beispielcode.

require_once 'SquareConnect/autoload.php';

# Assume you have assigned values to the following variables:
#   $nonce
#   $location_id
#   $access_token

$transaction_api = new \SquareConnect\Api\TransactionApi();

$request_body = array (

  "card_nonce" => $nonce,

  # Monetary amounts are specified in the smallest unit of the applicable currency.
  # This amount is in cents. It's also hard-coded for $1, which is not very useful.
  "amount_money" => array (
    "amount" => 100,
    "currency" => "USD"

  # Every payment you process for a given business have a unique idempotency key.
  # If you're unsure whether a particular payment succeeded, you can reattempt
  # it with the same idempotency key without worrying about double charging
  # the buyer.
  "idempotency_key" => uniqid()

# The SDK throws an exception if a Connect endpoint responds with anything besides 200 (success).
# This block catches any exceptions that occur from the request.
try {
  print_r($transaction_api->charge($access_token, $location_id, $request_body));  
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "Caught exception " . $e->getMessage();

Problem ist die Rückgabe des Zahlungsformulars mit Javascript-Funktion.

Hier ist, wie ich Form in mein Plugin einbinde.

function payment_fields(){
<p  class="form-row form-row form-row-wide">
  <label>Card Number</label>
  <div id="sq-card-number"></div>
<p  class="form-row form-row form-row-wide">
  <div id="sq-cvv"></div>
<p  class="form-row form-row form-row-wide">
  <label>Expiration Date</label>
  <div id="sq-expiration-date"></div>
<p  class="form-row form-row form-row-wide">
  <label>Postal Code</label>
  <div id="sq-postal-code"></div>
<input type="hidden" id="payment_nonce" value="" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var paymentForm = new SqPaymentForm({
    applicationId: 'sandbox-sq0idp-Yjm9KUoP_AiqDuGgwV6q4A', // <-- REQUIRED: Add Application ID
    inputClass: 'sq-input',
    inputStyles: [
        fontSize: '15px'
    cardNumber: {
      elementId: 'sq-card-number',
      placeholder: '.... .... .... ....'
    cvv: {
      elementId: 'sq-cvv',
      placeholder: 'CVV'
    expirationDate: {
      elementId: 'sq-expiration-date',
      placeholder: 'MM/YY'
    postalCode: {
      elementId: 'sq-postal-code'
    callbacks: {
      cardNonceResponseReceived: function(errors, nonce, cardData) {
        if (errors) {
          // handle errors
          errors.forEach(function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
        } else {
          // handle nonce
          console.log('Nonce received:');
      unsupportedBrowserDetected: function() {
        // Alert the buyer that their browser is not supported
  function requestCardNonce() {

Dies ist keine Antwort

console.log ('Nicht erhalten:'); console.log (nonce);

ie sind sich nicht sicher, wie Sie diese Nonce bei der Zahlungsabwicklung von woocomerce erhalten könne