Python-Skript, das einen UnicodeEncodeError empfängt: Der ASCII-Codec kann das Zeichen @ nicht codiere

Ich habe ein einfaches Python-Skript, das Beiträge von reddit abruft und auf Twitter veröffentlicht. Leider begann es heute Abend Probleme zu haben, von denen ich annehme, dass sie auf den Titel von jemandem zurückzuführen sind, der ein Formatierungsproblem hat. Der Fehler, den ich erhalte, ist:

  File "", line 82, in <module>
 File "", line 64, in main
 tweeter(post_dict, post_ids)
 File "", line 74, in tweeter
 print post+" "+post_dict[post]+" #python"
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u201c' in  position 34: ordinal not in range(128)

Und hier ist mein Skript:

# encoding=utf8
import praw
import json
import requests
import tweepy
import time
import urllib2
import sys

access_token = 'hidden'
access_token_secret = 'hidden'
consumer_key = 'hidden'
consumer_secret = 'hidden'

def strip_title(title):
    if len(title) < 75:
    return title
    return title[:74] + "..."

def tweet_creator(subreddit_info):
post_dict = {}
post_ids = []
print "[bot] Getting posts from Reddit"
for submission in subreddit_info.get_hot(limit=2000):
    post_dict[strip_title(submission.title)] = submission.url
print "[bot] Generating short link using"
mini_post_dict = {}
for post in post_dict:
    post_title = post
    post_link = post_dict[post]

    mini_post_dict[post_title] = post_link
return mini_post_dict, post_ids

def setup_connection_reddit(subreddit):
print "[bot] setting up connection with Reddit"
r = praw.Reddit('PythonReddit PyReTw'
            'monitoring %s' %(subreddit))
subreddit = r.get_subreddit('python')
return subreddit

def duplicate_check(id):
found = 0
with open('posted_posts.txt', 'r') as file:
    for line in file:
        if id in line:
            found = 1
return found

def add_id_to_file(id):
with open('posted_posts.txt', 'a') as file:
    file.write(str(id) + "\n")

def main():
subreddit = setup_connection_reddit('python')
post_dict, post_ids = tweet_creator(subreddit)
tweeter(post_dict, post_ids)

def tweeter(post_dict, post_ids):
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for post, post_id in zip(post_dict, post_ids):
    found = duplicate_check(post_id)
    if found == 0:
        print "[bot] Posting this link on twitter"
        print post+" "+post_dict[post]+" #python"
        api.update_status(post+" "+post_dict[post]+" #python")
        print "[bot] Already posted"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Jede Hilfe wäre sehr dankbar - vielen Dank im Voraus!