Wie man das Label im Histogramm auf dynamische Benutzereingaben reagieren lässt

Ich habe den folgenden Arbeitscode. Es übernimmt die Eingabedaten und zeigt das Histogramm basierend auf einem Schwellenwert an.

Wenn Sie den folgenden Code ausführen, funktioniert der Code so gut, dass sich das Histogramm ändert, wenn Sie den Schieberegler ziehen.

Jedoch das Etikett26 GENES ändert sich nicht, wenn wir den Schwellenwert von 1,5 auf 2 ziehen. Ich erwarte, dass sich der Wert auf @ änder30 GENES. Diese Werte sind im @ codiervar input_data insbesonderenof_genes.

Wie kann ich das in Kraft setzen?

"use strict";

var histograms,
  thresholds = [];

var input_data = [{
  "threshold": 1.5,
  "histograms": [{
    "sample": "Sample1",
    "nof_genes": 26,
    "values": [{
      "score": 6.7530200000000002,
      "celltype": "Bcells"
    }, {
      "score": 11.432763461538459,
      "celltype": "DendriticCells"
    }, {
      "score": 25.823089615384621,
      "celltype": "Macrophages"
    }, {
      "score": 9.9911211538461551,
      "celltype": "gdTCells"
    }, {
      "score": 7.817228076923076,
      "celltype": "StemCells"
    }, {
      "score": 17.482806923076922,
      "celltype": "StromalCells"
    }, {
      "score": 29.335427692307697,
      "celltype": "Monocytes"
    }, {
      "score": 28.914959615384621,
      "celltype": "Neutrophils"
    }, {
      "score": 13.818888461538467,
      "celltype": "NKCells"
    }, {
      "score": 9.5030688461538464,
      "celltype": "abTcells"
}, {
  "threshold": 2,
  "histograms": [{
    "sample": "Sample1",
    "nof_genes": 30,
    "values": [{
      "score": 5.1335499999999996,
      "celltype": "Bcells"
    }, {
      "score": 16.076072499999999,
      "celltype": "DendriticCells"
    }, {
      "score": 46.182032499999998,
      "celltype": "Macrophages"
    }, {
      "score": 6.5895700000000001,
      "celltype": "gdTCells"
    }, {
      "score": 5.3218800000000002,
      "celltype": "StemCells"
    }, {
      "score": 53.643625,
      "celltype": "StromalCells"
    }, {
      "score": 85.1618225,
      "celltype": "Monocytes"
    }, {
      "score": 55.559129999999996,
      "celltype": "Neutrophils"
    }, {
      "score": 7.6717524999999984,
      "celltype": "NKCells"
    }, {
      "score": 6.3277800000000006,
      "celltype": "abTcells"


function processData(data) {
  histograms = data[0].histograms.map(function(data) {
    return {
      title: data.sample,
      dataset: new Plottable.Dataset(),
      nofgenes:  new Plottable.Dataset(),
      dataByThreshold: {},
                nofGenesByThreshold: {},
                load_nof_genes: function (threshold) {

      load: function(threshold) {

  data.forEach(function(data) {
    var threshold = data.threshold;
    data.histograms.forEach(function(histogram, i) {
      histograms[i].dataByThreshold[threshold] = histogram.values;
       histograms[i].nofGenesByThreshold[threshold] = histogram.nof_genes;

  // Here we generalize the slide bar maximum threshold
  $('#threshold').attr('max', thresholds.length - 1);



function updateThreshold() {

  // This is where the user input updating slider
  // takes place and where the QTIP is in action.

  var thresholdIndex = parseInt($('#threshold').val(), 10);
  $(".tooltipped .content rect").qtip({
    overwrite: true,
    position: {
      my: "bottom middle",
      at: "top middle"
    style: {
      classes: "qtip-light"
    content: {
      text: function() {
        return $(this).attr("qtip2-title");

function updateDatasets(threshold) {
  histograms.forEach(function(histogram) {

    function updateNofGenes (threshold) {
        histograms.forEach(function (histogram) {

function buildPlots() {
  var $histogramContainer = $('#sample-histograms');

  histograms.forEach(function(histogram, index) {
    var elementId = "sample-histogram-" + index;

    $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'))
        width: '200px',
        height: '200px',
        display: 'inline-block'
      .attr('id', elementId)

    plotSampleHistogram(histogram.title,histogram.nofgenes, histogram.dataset, '#' + elementId);


function plotSampleHistogram(title, nof_genes, dataset, targetElement) {
  var xScale = new Plottable.Scales.Category(),
    yScale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear(),
    colorScale = new Plottable.Scales.Color();
var gene_count = nof_genes._data.toString().concat(" genes");

    var xAxis = new Plottable.Axes.Category(xScale, "bottom"),
        yAxis = new Plottable.Axes.Numeric(yScale, "left"),
        titleLabel = new Plottable.Components.TitleLabel(title),
        nofGeneLabel = new Plottable.Components.AxisLabel(gene_count);


    var plot = new Plottable.Plots.Bar()
      .x(function(d) { return d.celltype; }, xScale)
      .y(function(d) { return d.score; }, yScale)
      .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.celltype; }, colorScale)
      .attr("qtip2-title", function(d) { return '<div class="bartip">' + d.celltype + " (" + d.score.toFixed(2) + ') </div>'; })

    new Plottable.Components.Table([
        [null, titleLabel],
        [null, nofGeneLabel],
        [yAxis, plot],
        [null, xAxis]

function drawHistogramLegend(targetElement) {
    new Plottable.Components.Legend(colorScale)

  <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/plottable.js/1.15.0/plottable.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/qtip2/2.2.1/basic/jquery.qtip.css" rel="stylesheet" />



  <!-- Display the sliding bar -->
  <input id="threshold" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="1" value="0" />

  <!-- Show foldchange threshold -->
  <div id="foldchange_threshold" style="display: inline-block; align:center;"></div>

  <!-- Show histograms -->
  <div id="sample-histograms"></div>

  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/3.10.1/lodash.js"></script>
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/plottable.js/1.15.0/plottable.js"></script>
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/qtip2/2.2.1/basic/jquery.qtip.js"></script>

