Ändern der Interrupt-Deskriptortabelle

Ich verwende die Kernel-Version von Linux 2.6.26 und versuche, die Interrupt-Deskriptor-Tabelle mithilfe eines Kernel-Moduls zu ändern. Ich versuche nur, den Seitenfehlertabelleneintrag hier zu ändern. Daher mache ich eine Kopie des ursprünglichen IDT und ändere nur den Eintrag in der Seitenfehlertabelle. Das Ziel des ISR besteht darin, Informationen zum Seitenfehler auszudrucken, bevor der ursprüngliche Seitenfehlerbehandler aufgerufen wird. Aber der Kernel stürzt nur ab, wenn ich ihn mit insmod lade, d. H. Er stürzt speziell mit der Funktion "loadIDTR" ab. Beim weiteren Debuggen stellte ich fest, dass es gut funktioniert, wenn ich keinen Eintrag ändere, wenn ich das IDTR lade. Ich habe keine Ideen mehr.

Ich habe den folgenden Code eingefügt

#include <linux/module.h>   // for init_module() 
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>       // for get_free_page()
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>

#define SUCCESS 0
#define PGFAULT_INT 0x0E

static char modname[] = "pgfaults";
static unsigned short oldidtr[3], newidtr[3];
static unsigned long long *oldidt, *newidt;
static unsigned long isr_orig, kpage;
static char *why[]={ "sra", "srp", "swa", "swp", "ura", "urp", "uwa", "uwp" };

unsigned long long gate_desc_orig,gate_desc_orig1;

static void my_intrept( unsigned long *tos )
    // stack-layout:
    // es,ds,edi,esi,ebp,esp,ebx,edx,ecx,eax,err,eip,cs,efl
    //  0  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11 12  13  
    volatile unsigned long  vaddr;
    struct task_struct *task = current;
    unsigned long   err = tos[ 10 ];    
    unsigned long   eip = tos[ 11 ];
    static int  count = 0;
    int     exe, len = 0;
    char        msg[80]="";

    // get the faulting virtual address from register CR2
    asm(" mov %%cr2, %%eax ; movl %%eax, %0 " : "=m" (vaddr) ); 

    // construct the diagnostic message
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "#%-6d ", ++count );
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "%16s  ", task->comm );
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "pid=%-5d  ", task->pid );
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "CR2=%08X  ", (unsigned int) vaddr );
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "EIP=%08X  ", (unsigned int) eip );
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "%s ", why[ err ] );
    // note if an instruction-fetch caused the page-fault
    if ( vaddr == eip ) exe = 'x'; else exe = ' ';
    len += sprintf( msg+len, "%c ", exe );
    // print this diagnostic message to the kernel log
    printk( "<1>  %s \n", msg );

//----------  NEW PAGE-FAULT EXCEPTION-HANDLER  ---------//
asmlinkage void isr0x0E( void );
asm("   .text                       ");
asm("   .type   isr0x0E, @function          ");
asm("isr0x0E:                       ");
asm("   pushal                      ");
asm("   pushl   %ds                 "); 
asm("   pushl   %es                 ");
asm("   movl    %ss, %eax               "); 
asm("   movl    %eax, %ds               ");
asm("   movl    %eax, %es               ");
asm("   pushl   %esp                    "); 
asm("   call    my_intrept              ");
asm("   addl    $4, %esp                ");
asm("   popl    %es                 "); 
asm("   popl    %ds                 ");
asm("   popal                       ");
asm("   jmp *isr_orig               ");

static void load_IDTR( void *regimage )
    asm(" lidt %0 " : : "m" (*(unsigned short*)regimage) );

int pgfault_init( void )
    int         i;
    unsigned long long gate_desc,gate_desc1,gate_desc2;

    spinlock_t lock =SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
    unsigned long flags;
    unsigned short selector1;

    // allocate a mapped kernel page for our new IDT
    kpage =__get_free_page( GFP_KERNEL);
    if ( !kpage ) return -ENOMEM;

    // initialize our other global variables

    asm(" sidt oldidtr ; sidt newidtr ");

    memcpy( newidtr+1, &kpage, sizeof( kpage ) );
    oldidt = (unsigned long long *)(*(unsigned long*)(oldidtr+1));
    newidt = (unsigned long long *)(*(unsigned long*)(newidtr+1));

    // extract and save entry-point to original page-pault handler
    gate_desc_orig = oldidt[ PGFAULT_INT ];
    gate_desc =gate_desc_orig & 0xFFFF00000000FFFF;

    gate_desc |= ( gate_desc >> 32 );
    isr_orig = (unsigned long)gate_desc;
    // initialize our new Interrupt Descriptor Table
    memcpy( newidt, oldidt, 256*sizeof( unsigned long long ) );

    gate_desc_orig1 = (unsigned long)isr0x0E;
    gate_desc = gate_desc_orig1 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;

    gate_desc = gate_desc | ( gate_desc << 32 );
    gate_desc1= 0xFFFF0000;
    gate_desc1= gate_desc1 << 32;
    gate_desc1= gate_desc1 | 0x0000FFFF;
    gate_desc = gate_desc & gate_desc1;
    gate_desc2= 0x0000EF00;
    gate_desc2= gate_desc2 <<32;
    gate_desc2= gate_desc2 | 0x00100000;
    gate_desc = gate_desc | gate_desc2; // trap-gate
    //Part which is most likely creating a fault when loading the idtr
    newidt[ PGFAULT_INT ] = gate_desc;
    // activate the new IDT

    load_IDTR( newidtr );

//  smp_call_function( load_IDTR, oldidtr, 1, 1 );
    return  SUCCESS;

void pgfault_exit( void )

    // reactivate the old IDT
    unsigned long flags;
    spinlock_t lock =SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
    load_IDTR( oldidtr );
//  smp_call_function( load_IDTR, oldidtr, 1, 1 );

    // release allocated kernel page 
    if ( kpage ) free_page( kpage );
module_init( pgfault_init);
module_exit( pgfault_exit);