Tkinter create image function error (pyimage1 existiert nicht)

Ich bin ein Student aus der Außenwelt ohne Programmiererfahrung. Ich habe Python als Erweiterung meines Mathematikunterrichts gelernt. Ich habe versucht, ein Programm zu erstellen, das mit Tkinter Fraktale generiert. Der Code funktioniert von sich aus gut, aber das Einfügen einer Benutzereingabe-GUI führt zu einem Fehler:

    Exception in Tkinter callback
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Python33\lib\tkinter\", line 1475, in __call__
        return self.func(*args)
      File "C:\Python33\", line 74, in fractals
        canvas.create_image((0, 0), image = img, state = "normal", anchor = tkinter.NW)
      File "C:\Python33\lib\tkinter\", line 2319, in create_image
        return self._create('image', args, kw)
      File "C:\Python33\lib\tkinter\", line 2310, in _create
        *(args + self._options(cnf, kw))))
    _tkinter.TclError: image "pyimage1" doesn't exist

Der Code selbst ist unten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Fehler erst am angezeigt wirdcanvas.create_image Linie ist gelaufen. Wenn ich weitere Informationen zur Verfügung stellen kann, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen. Vielen Dank! :)

    import tkinter
    from tkinter import *

    #Creates widgets for user input
    class Imagespecs(Frame):

        def __init__(self,master):

    #Y axis input
         def y_axis(self):
            self.instruction = Label(self,text = "How many pixels high do you want the image?")
            self.instruction.grid(row = 8, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = N)

            self.height = Entry(self)
            self.height.grid(row = 10, column = 1, sticky = E)

    #Enters info to run fractal generation
            self.submit_button = Button(self,text = "Submit", command = self.fractals)
            self.submit_button.grid(row = 14, column = 2, sticky = E)

    #X axis input
         def x_axis(self):
             self.instruction2 = Label(self,text = "How many pixels wide do you want the image?")
             self.instruction2.grid(row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = E)

            self.width = Entry(self)
            self.width.grid(row = 6, column = 1, sticky = E)

      #generates fractal
         def fractals(self):
             #Replace non-input
             content = self.width.get()
             content2 = self.height.get()

             if content == "":
                content = 500

             if content2 == "":
                content2 = 500

            #Create window specs
            WIDTH = int(content2); HEIGHT = int(content)
            xa = -2.0; xb = 1.0
            ya = -1.5; yb = 1.5
            maxIt = 256

             window = Tk()
             canvas = Canvas(window, width = WIDTH, height = HEIGHT, bg = "#000000")
             img = PhotoImage(width = WIDTH, height = HEIGHT)

             #The Newton-Raphson iteration
             h = HEIGHT
            for ky in range(HEIGHT):
                print (h)
                h = h - 1
                for kx in range(WIDTH):
                    c = complex(xa + (xb - xa) * kx / WIDTH, ya + (yb - ya) * ky / HEIGHT)
                    z = complex(0.0, 0.0)
                     for i in range(maxIt):
                        z = z * z + c
                        if abs(z) >= 2.0:
                     rd = hex(i % 4 * 64)[2:].zfill(2)
                     gr = hex(i % 8 * 32)[2:].zfill(2)
                     bl = hex(i % 16 * 16)[2:].zfill(2)
                     img.put("#" + rd + gr + bl, (kx, ky))

             canvas.create_image((0, 0), image = img, state = "normal", anchor = tkinter.NW)

             #Run GUI

     root = Tk()
     root.title("Fractal GUI")
     app = Imagespecs(root)
